Final Chapter

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Jungkook - "Man, it's been forever since I last did this

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Jungkook - "Man, it's been forever since I last did this. I'm having a hard time handling this thing."

Y/N - "Haha, don't cut yourself, okay?"

We're at home, standing side by side in the kitchen. Since this will be his last meal, I told him that I'd make him anything he likes.

Y/N - "You picked Korean barbecue for your last meal, though... You could've gone for something a little more complicated, you know."

Jungkook - "It's fine. Everyone loves a barbecue."

Y/N - "We're not at a restaurant, though, so we'll have to grill the meat all at once before bringing it to the table... Okay, everything's ready. Can you hand me the knife?"

Jungkook - "Huh?"

Y/N - "I don't think you not having cooked in a while is why you were having trouble with the knife... I think the knife is the problem. You haven't been taking care of it properly."

Jungkook - "Aha! Here comes the whetstone!"

Jungkook says, looking positively fascinated for some reason as he stares at me getting the stones ready.

Y/N - "Is this really that interesting?"

Jungkook - "Let me have my fun. I like watching this. When I see you sharpening a kitchen knife like this..."

Y/N - "...It makes you impressed with how good I am in the kitchen?"

Jungkook - "It reminds me of a Yamamba from old Japanese folklore."

Y/N - "Hey!"

Jungkook - "Watch it! I'm solid right now! Don't point that knife at me!"

And so we press on with preparations for a relatively fancy dinner. We sit down at the table together, overcome with a sudden wave of sentimentality.

Jungkook - "Huh, looks good. Oh, and there's potato salad."

Y/N - "You mashed the potato for it yourself."

Jungkook - "Yeah. All I did was mash it, though. Mm, not bad."

Y/N - "Do you want a beer?"

Jungkook - "Just pour me a little. You shouldn't drink too much, either."

Y/N - "Oh? Why not?"

Jungkook - "You'll get drunk and fall asleep. We've got a long night ahead of us, you know."

Y/N - "A long night..."

Jungkook - "Okay. Come clean. What were you imagining right now?"

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