Chapter - 20

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Yoongi - "On the day of the accident, Jeon called me

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Yoongi - "On the day of the accident, Jeon called me. During the call, he was hit by that car."

I remember that; that's how Yoongi knew to head to the hospital so quickly.

Yoongi - "The reason he called me was to actually talk about you, Y/L/N."

Y/N - "Me?"

Yoongi - "Not only that. He apologized to me."

Y/N - "What?! Kook? Apologize to someone...?!"

Yoongi - "I understand how you feel. I was shocked, myself. I never thought I'd live to see the day when Jeon gave me such a serious, heartfelt apology."

Y/N - "Um... What did he apologize about?"

Yoongi - "It was about going out with you. I mentioned before that Jeon knew how I felt about you. Even knowing that, he still asked you out. In his words, he 'stole a march' on me. That's what he apologized to me for."

Kook apologized for something like that...?

Yoongi - " 'There's no reason way Y/N wouldn't fall for a guy like you.' 'I felt like I had to act fast.' That's what he told me. He's a sharp guy, but he can be surprisingly stupid sometimes. That's just how love works. There's no reason he'd need to apologize to me for that."

Yoongi takes a deep swig from his drink.

Yoongi - "I knew that he was planning to go overseas. I learned about those plans during that phone call, actually. He said he wanted to get rid of any loose ends before leaving Korea."

Y/N - "Loose ends?"

Yoongi - "His apology to me concerning you, in this case. He also said that he planned to talk to you about something important after he ended the call with me. Made me think that that phone call was part of the preparations for whatever it was. Who'd have thought that an apology to someone for stealing their girl would end up being a man's famous last words."

Y/N - "If he wanted to talk to me about something important that day... I can only think that he was planning to break up with me, given the situation, but..."

The way Yoongi's talking about it makes it sound like it was something else... It makes me want to feel a little hopeful, but...

Y/N - "He never even said one word about quitting Kim's Design, either. He must have been planning to end things between us..."

Yoongi - "Y/L/N..."

Y/N - "I mean, you said it yourself, didn't you? Kook knew you had feelings for me... So his calling you might have been... Something like..."

Yoongi - "Would you be happy if that was true? That he was planning to break up with you... And that his call to me was to give me permission to ask you out myself?"

Yoongi smiles wryly, taking my hand. His palm is warm against mine.

Yoongi - "Y/N... Jeon loved you more than you think. I think I'm aware of that fact more than anyone else. You should take some time to think again about the Jeon Jungkook you know. The answer to what the important thing he wanted to talk to you about was... will probably come to you soon enough if you start your search from there."

Y/N - "Yoongi... You're far too nice a guy..."

Yoongi - "Want to change teams?"

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Yoongi - "Want to change teams?"

Yoongi laughs after cracking a rare joke, so I laugh back with him. The truth is, though, I know I can't allow myself to be so optimistic. Kook looked straight at me on that day. After hearing Yoongi tell me all this, I'd be willing to believe that there are details I wasn't aware of... But the fact remains that he left me. My prayers to see him again... can only stand in the way of whatever resolution he's reached. If that's how it is, then let things stay as they are. That's for the best...



Y/N - "Today's the 29th day since he came back

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Y/N - "Today's the 29th day since he came back..."

There really isn't any time left now. Only a little over a day... As I'm staring blankly at the calendar, I hear a chime alerting me to an incoming message. It's from the PC. I just turned it on a second ago, too. I delete the spam mail and go on to fiddle with the computer for a while out of boredom. Just then I notice something.

Y/N - "I think I saved a bunch of pictures to this folder... Yeah, it's got stuff from our dates and trips together... Normal everyday snapshots, too."

Wow, this takes me back! The scenery here was really nice... Ugh, but look at my face... Kook looks cute, though... Haha, he looks like a little kid, grinning like that...
The freshness of the memories just makes them hurt even more as I relive them in the silent room. They're all precious memories, but... This is too painful. I'm going to delete them. Kook's solution for everything was disappearing... So let that be mine, too.

I need to stop thinking. These memories only make it all hurt more. I grit my teeth and drag the picture folder into the recycle bin. After I finish dealing with the folder, I suddenly notice something. There's another unfamiliar folder sitting in the corner of my desktop.

Y/N - "I wonder what this is for. I didn't put it there."

I guess that means it must be Kook's? Ngh, should I open it? Maybe it was something I wasn't meant to see?... But what if it has some sort of hint to Kook's motive? My stubbornness rears its head. I don't want to give up just yet.

Y/N - "Okay..."

I make up my mind and click on the folder.

Y/N - "Wait, this is..."


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