Jungkook's POV - I

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(His POV will be from the time after the prologue, i.e., from chapter 1 onwards...)


Jungkook - Nngh...

I open my eyes as if waking up from a dream. White light.... Is it morning? No, wait.... This is something else. I look around me. The world is white as far as the eye can see-- a white so pure that it's almost unnatural. This is Heaven... Does this mean I successfully took care of everything I needed to back on Earth?

Jungkook - If so, it's thanks to her.

If you hadn't worked so hard for my sake, I never would have made it here.

Jungkook - Thanks, Y/N.

I know better than to expect an answer, but I still call her name anyway. I fell like doing so will bring back the memory of the last 30 days we spent together.




They were right when they said everything moves in slow motion

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They were right when they said everything moves in slow motion... I think as I fly through the air after the car hits me... Immediately after that, my sense of time returns to normal. My body slams against the pavement.

Jungkook - Nngh...

The hell. Am I going to die? I still haven't even talked to her after making her cry like that... I can hear Yoongi's voice from the phone that lies on the ground beside me, but I can't answer him. It's all my fault. My selfish need to clear away everything on my own conscience before talking with her... kept me from explaining properly about quitting Kim's design and going overseas. She must think that I'm planning to break up with her. Even though that isn't the truth... I sigh, unable to make any words come out. A siren echoes shrilly in my ears as my vision fades to black.

I wanted you to come with me. I wanted us to spend our lives together... Is this seriously how it's all gonna end? Without me being able to tell you any of this? Y/N... My self awareness slips through a dark hole to be consumed by the emptiness beyond. It's the last thing I remember.


??? - Do you regret something?

Jungkook - ...?

My consciousness returns suddenly, flicked back on like the light switch to a spotlight. I find myself in a pitch black space somewhere. Where am I? It's like there's nothing but emptiness around me.

Jungkook - Someplace you've got here...

??? - You could call it a parallel dimension, if you like. It's a sort of pocket of space and time.

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