Chapter - 19

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Jungkook - "I'm thinking of disappearing soon

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Jungkook - "I'm thinking of disappearing soon."

Kook tells me this plainly as if there was nothing at all unusual about the statement. I know the meaning of all of the individual words, but for some reason, my head can't manage to wrap around them.

Y/N - "W-What do you mean?"

Jungkook - "Just what I said. Nothing more, nothing less."

Y/N - "But I thought the time limit was 30 days! It's still only..."

Jungkook - "It's the 28th day today. It's a little earlier than scheduled, but who cares, right? Sooner or later, we'd have ended up saying goodbye. Two days doesn't change much."

Why is he putting it like that...?

Jungkook - "Sorry for making you run around doing errands for me this whole time. Thanks to your help, though, I'm satisfied."

Y/N - "...!"

Jungkook - "Still, you really need to do something about that habit you have of bending over backward to help people. Maybe it's a good trait, normally, but it leaves you wide open for people like me to take advantage of."

Y/N - "Kook!"

Despite Kook being the one doing all the talking, I'm the one who's short of breath. Kook smiles faintly.

Jungkook - "It's nice we had this chance to actually say goodbye to each other, though. Don't you think?"

Y/N - "Don't you dare think I can't tell that you're acting weird right now. What happened? Why are you doing this?"

Maybe the reason Kook came back here wasn't because of me. There were plenty of things that may have mattered to him more than I did... Hid dreams, his dad's work, his mom...

Y/N - "But even so, I still know enough about you that I can say this for sure. You're not the kind of person who would just cut someone off and throw them away like this."

Jungkook - "Are you sure you're not wrong about that? When I was alive, I was about to leave you to go overseas, after all. If you're gonna romanticize the kind of guy I was, at least wait until after I'm gone."

As I stand there stuck for words, Kook smiles at me. He makes no move to scratch his nose -- the habit he always shows when he's lying.

Jungkook - "We always end up fighting when it comes down to the important stuff. I guess it can't be helped, though. I'm me, of course, but you're pretty stubborn yourself."

Y/N - "Kook, I..."

Jungkook - "Next time, pick a guy you don't butt heads with like this. Someone more mature and put-together... Good-looking... Though I guess there aren't that many guys out there as attractive as me. Hey, I know. What about Yoongi?"

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