Chapter - 24

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Y/N - "W-Why are you glowing?!"

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Y/N - "W-Why are you glowing?!"

Jungkook - "I..."

As we watch on in surprise for a long moment, the brilliant light eventually fades. What was that all about?

Y/N - "Kook! Are you all right?! You're not going to disappear, are you...?"

Jungkook - "No... Y/N. That's not what this is..."

His voice is trembling for some reason. Thinking it strange, I gaze intently at his face, then realize something.

Y/N - "Kook... There's something different about you, isn't there?"

Jungkook - "Yeah..."

He's been a little transparent ever since coming back as a ghost, but now...

Jungkook - "...I'd heard of this, but I still didn't really believe it until now."

Y/N - "What do you mean?"

Jungkook - "Apart from the 30 days rule, there's one other condition for ghosts. If we manage to square away all of our loose ends... We can spend our last day on Earth in a solid form."

My eyes widen as the words flow out of his mouth.

Jungkook - "Man, this is great! So this is what it felt like to hold hands. My legs feel weird, too. And hey, I forgot that air actually had a taste to it. And..."

My body stiffens up as I watch Kook enjoy himself remembering everything. Kook glances over at me as I gaze stupidly at him.

Jungkook - "Quit staring and get over here."

Y/N - "Oh..."

Our fingertips brush against each other as he takes my hand in his. I can feel the dry skin of his palm, along with the heat from his body.

Jungkook - "I finally get to touch you."

He's so warm...

Y/N - "It's really your hand..."

Jungkook - "And you're crying again... Well, whatever. I can wipe your face for you now. C'mon, come in closer. Cry a lifetime's worth of tears here while I'm still with you."

Y/N - "Kook...!!"

He squeezes me so tight that it almost hurts. As I'm wrapped in the scent that I love so much, the tears overflow once again. The curve of his arms and the firmness of his chest are all so familiar.

Jungkook - "If you press in that close you're gonna get snot all over me."

Y/N - "Sorry. But I can't pull away."

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