Chapter - 18

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Y/N - "Urk..."

??? - "You Okay?"

Who's there? I feel like I'm hearing double... I guess because I'm drunk....?

Yoongi and Jungkook - "Hey. You okay?"

Oh, right... I left the bar with both of them.

Jungkook - "C'mon, pull yourself together."

Yoongi - "Can you stand?"

As I'm sitting there slumped on the pavement, two different hands reach out for me. I take Yoongi's hand as it stretches in front of me. 

Yoongi - "Just like I figured... You're really unsteady, there."

Y/N - "Sorry, I'll be careful."

While I focus my attention on keeping my balance,  there's no changing the fact that I'm still drunk.

Y/N - "Whoa."

Yoongi - "There's no way I can leave you to your own devices... Y/L/N, stand here."

Y/N - "Huh?"

Yoongi - "Okay... That should work."

H-He just picked me u?!

Y/N - "I can walk! I can walk!"

Yoongi - "Even if that's true, it'll be faster this way. I'm going to carry you up to your place. I won't do anything untoward."

Y/N - "But still..."

Kook's watching us right now... I try to get down, but Yoongi's grip on me only tightens. My vision swims for a moment as my struggling makes the alcohol rush to my head.

Yoongi - "No struggling. Hurry home, drink some water and go to sleep."

Y/N - "Sorry..."

Whether it's the fault of the alcohol or something else entirely... I can't lift my head to face him the entire way home.




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