Chapter - 23

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Jungkook - "You really surprised me, though

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Jungkook - "You really surprised me, though."

After a long pause, Kook murmurs these words.

Y/N - "What?"

Jungkook - "Just, with our last conversation ending on the note it did... I never thought you'd come chasing after me."

Y/N - "Didn't you want me to find you?"

Jungkook - "..."

Y/N - "Oh..."

Jungkook - "Come on, what's with that face?! That ain't fair! Fine, fine. I get it. You want me to come clean, right?"

Jungkook messes up his hair in exasperation and then looks over at me.

Jungkook - "You're right... I did want you to come to find me."

Y/N - "Kook... Can you say that again for me?"

Jungkook - "Hey. You know, you can really be a tough customer sometimes..."

In the deserted night park, we continue to chat about this and that for a while. I'm the first one to broach the subject that's been weighing on both of our minds.

Y/N - "I found that folder with the apartment listings that you'd left on the computer."

Jungkook - "You did...!"

Y/N - "There were all sorts of rooms that were exactly the kind of place I like. Rooms meant for two people. You hadn't really intended to keep quiet about going overseas, had you. You were just looking for the right time to come out with it. Am I wrong?" 

Jungkook - "So you don't think you're just fitting all that into an interpretation that suits you? That maybe you're being a little too full of yourself?"

Y/N - "No, I don't think that anymore."

Even though he digs into me, I'm able to answer him with a smile. Now that I know what he was thinking, I'm able to see the truth behind his words.

Y/N - "Sorry."

Jungkook - "Huh?"

Y/N - "For being such a coward. If I had been stronger, you wouldn't have felt like you had to lie like that. All the stuff about wanting to break up with me in the first place... You were trying to make me think you were a jerk so that I'd forget about you, weren't you? But you know what? I'm not that good at switching gears. It'll take more than that for me to forget about you."

Jungkook - "Yeah. I guess so."

Jungkook smiles faintly.

Jungkook - "But if you know you're a coward, you should do something about it."

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