Last Chapter 25

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I was forced to wake up at butt crack of dawn to go dress fitting. I took a long shower to wake myself up. Lily and I dropped Felicity with Harley and Amber which I had to lie to them. Before I left I put the wedding invitations on the table hoping they would see it and show up at the wedding. After looking I finally found one that was a little decent. "Is this the one? Your dream dress?" The lady that worked there asked. "Yeah, something like that." I lied with a blank face. "It's every girl's big dream to find the perfect dress for the perfect wedding." She said with a smile. "Well, it's not! I'm being forced to marry a man that is just evil! Do you think that's perfect?" I screamed at her. Her smile slowly turns into a frown. "Ma'am, are you okay?" She waves a hand over my face as I snapped out the trance.

"Huh?" She looked at me concerned. "Are you okay?" She repeated. As I was about to speak a voice cuts me off. "Yeah, she's fine. We would like to pay for the dress now." Lily snaps. The poor lady jumps and nods. We paid for the dress and left the store. We got into the car and drove off. "You didn't need to be mean to her." She shrugs. "You looked a little uncomfortable. You know...I'm here if you need anything. I know this is a lot to take in and-" I cut her off. "Lily! Will you please just be quiet!" I screamed, "I just want this nightmare to be over." I covered my face with my hands. "Hey, hey, hey are you crying?" I sniffled and wiped my tears. "It doesn't help that I have a baby growing inside me- I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know you and the boys have done a lot to try to help out but it's not enough. I-I need a miracle." She hugs me tight. "Hey, it's okay. I understand that you're going through a lot- probably not the situation but just have patience and faith. That miracle will come."

I narrowed my brows, "Why did you get all Miss-The-Wizard-Wise on me?" We both smiles and laughed. "See! I knew that would cheer you up." I rolled my eyes, "Okay, let's get this day over with." We parked into a parking lot and got out of the car and went into the hair and make-up salon. We sent another hour in a half to get the make-up and hair done. Then we went to the shoe store beside the hair salon. The whole time was consists of Lily saying, "Here these are sooo cute!" She squealed. "Lily for the last time they are too high. I could break a neck!" Sitting on the small bench bored as Lily continues to look for the shoes. Suddenly, something caught my eye. It was a buckle strap stiletto heels with little bows around the whole shoe, with a fake diamond in the middle of the bows. I could care less if it was fake diamonds or not. It's beautiful in my eyes.

"This is what I want," I told Lily as she walks up to me. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nod and bit my lip. "Okay." Was all she said and paid for the shoes. We got into the car and drove off. "Okay, so, the boys just texted me. They said they have everything set up. We need to get you to the church, get you dressed. The boys are getting pictures done, they would leave and we will get pictures of you. Finally but not least, we will-" I cut her off before she gets a chance to finish. "We will be finished with this nightmare." She clears her throat. "Yeah...nightmare."

The whole ride to the church was silent. "I don't feel so good." I gripped my stomach. My face pales. She looks over at me, as I let out a burp. "Oh, shit." She pulls the car over. I get out and released the contents on the ground. Lily grabs my hair and holds it back for me. "Eww, is that lucky charms with mustard?" I chuckled a little. I spit out the last bit of the puck and wiped my mouth with the back of my old shirt. "Girl, you have some weird combo cravings." I rolled my eyes at her and walked back into the car. We hit the road again in silence. I try to see myself marrying Reyes and living my life in consent fear, but for some odd reason, I can't. It's like I'm not supposed to be doing this, I see myself with a man who has been through hell and back and has the scars to prove it. He fought to be where he is now. He knows he's strong, a warrior. He knows he can lead and protect his loved ones. He knows that he's the king. "Penny your thoughts I see?" Lily cuts the silents with a pair of scissors.

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