Chapter 5

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I stared down at my beautiful two-year-old sleeping baby. She looks so much like him in every way. I had a dream, before I gave birth to her, that she's gonna grow up to be just like her daddy.

Pretty, smart, sassy, stubborn, strong, a bright beautiful young lady. The only thing that she has is my color hair. The rest is all him. Her bright blue eyes fit her as it fits on him. She has his little nose and ears. Her lip color is the same as mine, but the size and shape as his.

After he was put in jail I felt... free, but there was something like it was a part of me that left with him and he has it with him in that jail cell that he's in, trapped.

I miss him, I ain't going to lie, but I just couldn't be in the dark with him. He just... didn't want to change. His life, his body, mind, and soul full of darkness which is something I couldn't handle.

It's sad that he's never going to meet his child, because of his stupid ways. She sturrs in her sleep.

"Hey, licity, you hungry?" She looks around looking at her surroundings. When she knows she's safe, she turned to look at me.

Her dad always looked around to see if it's safe or someone watching and that's something I've noticed about him.

He seems to be that type where he is sitting at a table facing the door so he knows who's coming in.

This man is so many things, but sweet. He's rude, a pig, a psychopath, and sadly, he's a killer.

But somewhere in my heart, I miss him. Well... When he's not mad at me and hurts me.

Stockholm syndrome. My doctor said I had a small pinch of it. Not too much to where I'm begging for him to come back.

"Let's go and get some food in your little tummy." I smiled down at Felicity.

I got up while holding her on my hip and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the baby food and clean out an empty sippy cup.

Then, I turned on my water faucet. I then checked the water with my finger and when I know the temperature is just right, I put the bottle under the water.

When the water reached the top I closed the lip and puts it on the tray on the high chair.

Then, I open up the baby food and feed it to Felicity's. After I was finished I gave her, her drink.

While she sucks on the bottle I put her in the high chair, so I can clean up the house.

As I was cleaning my phone started to ring. I drop the rag and pulled off my gloves and picked up my phone. "Hello?"

A deep voice spoke. "Hey, this is Riker."

"Who?" I said confused.

"Uh, Riker, from my Aunt Dee's house?" He said.

"Ohhh, yeah, I remember you now. Yeah, what's up?" I said popping the 'p' in up.

"I was thinking maybe we can hang out something or like to go to dinner?"

"I'm not so sure if I want too," I said unsure about going with him out to dinner or anywhere for that matter. This man gives me the creeps.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm busy and don't have time to go out," I said as Felicity started to whine. I went up to get her and put her on my hip, bouncing her a little.

"Oh, but you had time to go to a party and get wasted ?" My blood started to boil.

"Um, excuse me? I have you know. When a girl or someone for that matter tells you no; that means no, okay? And I'm a very good friend of your Aunt, but I won't have you disrespect me." Then, I hung up. I sighed angrily.

I felt my hair being pulled lightly. I look down at Felicity and smiled when her hand touches my face.

"You are so beautiful. You always know how to make me feel better." She has me a toothless smile, knowing my mood was down, but she brought it up.

My eyes widened when my stomach growled. "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to make food." Still holding her on my hip, I got out a box of noodles, hamburger, and sauce, along with a pot and pan.

I put water in the pot and set it on the stove to let it boil; then I set the pan on the other burner and put the meat on it.

I stir the meat until its brown, then put the noodles in the boiling water. I poured the sauce in the meat and slow-cooked it on low. When the noodles are done I drain the water out.

I got out a plate for me and got my spaghetti and took it over to the table. I put Licity on her high chair. Then I went over to sit and eat.

Halfway through eating dinner. I door opens up and slams shut. Vincent walks in. "It's all your fault!" I looked at him confused.

"What's all my fault?" I asked. "You and that little crying bitch got me fired!" He yelled getting closer to me, making me stand up.

"How in the hell did Felicity and I got you fired when you did that yourself!" I said raising my voice.

"You and that little bitch kicked me out of my own house and got me so stressed. That I can't even think and that, that little demon of yours won't fucking stop crying its head off. Oh, and honey, I've been cheating on your pretty ass. I've learned that having different girls each night is better than just having one." He said smirking as tears ran down my face.

I laughed. "Oh, blaming this on Felicity and I, ay?  Well, let me tell you something here, you stupid piece of shit!  We had nothing to do with you being fired that was all on you, dumbass. And we didn't steal your home from you, you were just never home. If you got something to blame, blame yourself for getting drunk every night and cheating on your wife!

Even before you said you were cheating; I already fucking knew you were I just didn't say anything about it. You want to know why? Why I didn't say anything? Because, I needed a place to stay, but now I'm not so sure I want to live here anymore." I said as I walked over to get my baby and went upstairs to pack up.

I texted Harley.

'Hey, come pick me up. I'm done with living with this prick.'

A few minutes later, she answered.

'Okay, but I'm going to break his fucking face.'

'You do what you gotta do.' I texted.

'Be there in 20'

I turned off my phone and pack Felicity stuff. I walked downstairs with Licity on my hip.

I walked into the kitchen and see Vincent drinking a bottle of whiskey. I sighed angrily and rolled my eyes. "Ridiculous," I muttered to myself.

I heard a honk, know it's Harley. I walked out and open the back car door and put Felicity in her car seat. "You want me to come in?" I shook my head and shut the door and walk back into the house.

I walked upstairs and grabbed mine and Felicity's things and walked back down and headed out the door, but stopped when remembering something. "Oh, wait, I forgot this," I felt his presence behind me.

I took off the ring and threw it at him. "Make sure to sign the divorce papers," I said flipping the bird at him, then walked to the car.

"I really wished I could bash his face in with my fist," Harley said gripping the steering wheel.

"I wish I did that same," I said, making both of us look at each other, smirking. "When the times comes we will." Then we laughed the whole way home.

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