Chapter 24

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I looked around to see everything still the same. Then, I started to feel this blasting heat riding up my body causing me to drop and scream in agony. "Ah! Reyes! What's going on!" I looked down as the fire is taking over my body. "Stop. Please. It. Hurts!" I gritted my teeth. As he laughs everyone around me started to laugh along with him. Pain. Hurt. Fear. They all overpowered the pain of the fire. I thought I was able to get through all this, to escape him but I'm too weak. He's too strong. I screamed again as the fire slowly takes over my body.

"I hate you!" He shook his head. "No, no you don't. You love me, there's proof when you said 'I do'" I gripped my hair. "Wake up!" I started to smack myself.

"This is all a dream! Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open and were immediately blinded by the light. My chest burned from the heavy breathing. My eyes felt heavy from crying. Once my eyes had finally adjusted to the light I look over that the people who were staring me down in confusion and pity. Michael was touching my shoulder, "You okay?" I swallowed. "Water." I coughed out. My throat sore from screaming. Lillyan nods and hands me a cup of water. I almost moaned when I took a sip of the water feeling it putting some light to the darkness in the back of my throat. "Sorry," I shivered. "I-I didn't mean to scare you."

"Its fine, kitten. Do you want to talk about it?" 

"She hasn't said a word all morning," Michael whispered to Reyes. "You really freaked her out." I heard a sigh. "You don't think I don't know this? I mean our wedding is tomorrow!" I rolled my eyes. All he cares about is getting married and doesn't care to think of what I want. "Really, man? Is that all you really care about?" He growled, "Look at her, man. Do you really think that she will be able any more of the pressure?" I played with Felicity on the floor as I continue to listen. "Who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do with my wife?" 

"All I'm saying is... maybe you should wait until she gets better." Michael tries to reason with him. "Yeah, man. I think Michael has a point boss." Zack said agreeing with Michael. Reyes growls and hits the table causing a loud bang. "Shut up! Just shut the hell up! She's going to be my soon to be wife" I heard a gasp. My head snaps towards them and their eyes snap looks at my wide eyes. I didn't realize it was I who had gasped. The boy's eyes softened. They went back to talking in hushed voices. I went back to playing with Felicity 

Suddenly, chairs were being pushed and footsteps were coming towards me. Reyes appears in front of me and crouches down. "The boys and I are going into my office to talk about gang matters. You are going to get up and cook dinner." I nodded, getting up. I take Felicity in my arms and walk into the kitchen. I put her in a high chair and gave her some toys to play with, while I took out some pot and pans.

 As I started to cook my mind slips off to the nightmare that I had. "My eyes land on the man that's going to be marrying me. He was wearing an all-black tux, his hair slicked back. The side of his head was shaved letting his tattoos pop out. He had a serious look on his face, but when he meets my eyes. A huge smile breaks out on his face and tears in his eyes. When we got to the end of the aisle my father kissed my cheek and pats Reyes's shoulder before he takes a seat next to mom in the front. Reyes grabs my hands and looked into my eyes. The priest talks that seem like it was going on for hours, but I didn't care...I was happy. "Reyes, do you take this lovely wife to love and cherish you through thick and thin?" Reyes clears his throat. "I do," He said with no hesitation.

The priest then turns to me. "Artemis, do you take this man to be your husband to love and cherish you through thick and thin?" I look towards Reyes. "I-" I hesitated. I could feel Reyes's hands tightening on mine. It took everything in me to not flinch and to pull away. I continue to stare into his eyes. The fire lights up in his dark eyes make me want to look away but I can't. I can't move, it's like I was stuck.

Like someone had put glue on the spot where I am standing. It feels like he can break my hands at any moment. "Ow, you hurting me," I whispered. The bright big smile he had once had turned into an evil smirk. "Say it." He leans in, "Say the words, kitten." I whimpered. I can feel heat run through my body as I start to sweat. "Look at them, kitten." I slowly drift my eyes towards the people. Everyone is on fire... burning up in flames. 

I snapped out of my trance when I felt pain in my finger. I put the knife down and hissed when I looked at my finger. I couldn't see my finger anymore it was covered in blood. I walked over to the sink and turned on the water. Before I could put my finger in the water someone had grabbed my wrist. I turned to see Reyes standing really close with my wrist in his hand. He slowly puts my finger in his mouth and sucks on it. His dark eyes closed as he lets out a moan. I just stood and did not to pull back, knowing that he could bite my finger off any moment.

 This wedding is really going to be the death of me. He slowly pulls my finger out of his mouth. His dark eyes can barely be seen as his lashes are longer than my nails. He watches me, waiting for a smart comment or a reaction. The curve of his lips slides up into an ignorant smirk. "Next time be careful. Kittens are a little clumsy, always finding ways to hurt themselves." 

Well, this kitten wishes she can scratch his eyes out with her claws. 

"Reyes...I need to finish dinner." I whispered. He nods and lets go of my wrist. He backs away giving me some space. I went back to fixing up the dinner. A few minutes later dinner was done, Reyes went to get the boys as I set the table. The boys came in and set down. I went around and put the soup in their bowls. Felicity was munching on dried cereal minding her own business.

By the time I had gotten to eat everyone was already halfway done. "How did you learn how to cook like this?" Bryan asked. Everyone looks at me waiting for my reply. I shrugged. "The little cafe I worked in...Dominic was the one who helped me cook when the boss wasn't around. The boys except for Reyes tensed. Before he could notice I changed the subject, "I can make so much more if I wanted to, someday I would love to start my own restaurant." The boys smiled. 

Soon, we finished eating. The boys couldn't get enough of my soup. They act like they have six stomachs. Which is quite entertaining to watch if you'd ask me. I cleaned up as they chatted up for a bit. By the time I was done, the boys had said their goodbye's and left. Leaving me stuck with Reyes. As I was about to put the dried plate away, a hand grabs my waist causing me to jump. I turned to see Reyes, "Reyes, what are doing...?" 

His eyes turned into slits, "Listen, I just want..." He pauses, "I want to tell you about the rules for tomorrow." Here, I thought he was going to say sorry, for the past couple of days. I nodded for him to continue anyway. "Tomorrow, you and Lily will go and pick out a dress. I will have Lily send out invitations to my family members, friends, and some of your family and friends. I boys and I are going to set up the church, the honeymoon, and all the good stuff." He smiles, "Then we will be officially married." He then grabs my face and kissed me hard. I mumbled against his lips. "Reyes...I want to-to go to b-b-bed." He pulls away and nods. 

I picked up Felicity and went upstairs. I placed her into her crib and kissed her forehead, "I love you, princess. I always will." I  got into the bed and pulled the covers over my head. Before I could sleep, the door opens and shuts. I pretend to sleep as the footsteps are getting closer to the bed. Slowly, someone crawls in the bed. I jumped. "Chill, it's just me," Reyes said, "I decided to go to bed early too. Since its a big day for both of us." I sighed and closed my eyes. I pray that someone will get me the hell out of this mess.

Chapter 24 is done! One more chapter and book two will be finished! I know I have said this once before, but I'm going to keep saying it over and over again. Thank you for all your support and for sticking by my side for this book. I know there were certain complications with a few chapters like the way the character acted or it didn't make any sense, or it wouldn't happen in real life but you stayed by me. No matter how long it took me to write this book. All a lot of good things happened to me this year and last year. I also had some ups and downs that made me learn and grow along with the book. I hope you enjoyed this very long trip and this chapter so if you want more please leave a vote, comment, follow me and share with your good friends or family if you want. Thanks.

Have a good day or night


Luv ya 

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