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Natasha's POV

"Tony, this is ridiculous, when can we take these blindfolds off?" Pepper laughed. 

"In a minute, hold your horses," Tony mumbled. "Alright, take it off, folks." 

I took off my own blindfold, and when my eyes adjusted to the light, my mouth dropped open. "This is some kind of joke," I smirked, looking around. Tony had led us to a yacht on a beach with crystal clear water.

"We take this yacht out to that island," Tony pointed toward a beautiful island a little ways off the coast. I could hear Sam silently cheering in the background and I pursed my lips. Not too shabby, I thought to myself.

"Hey, if we get changed on the yacht, can we drop our stuff off and go for a swim?" Pepper asked, kicking some sand off her suitcase. "By the way, dragging this thing in the sand blindfolded?"

"Swell idea," Carol added sarcastically. 

"Okay Danvers, you have a duffel bag, you can't complain," Tony pointed at her warningly. "Yeah, the yacht ride is five minutes long, so it should be enough time to change." Tony whistled at Pietro and Bucky, who were trailing at the back of the group with Wanda. "What's taking you guys so long?"

"Uh, I think I got a bee sting, not a big deal," Wanda called to us, attempting to walk on her own. Bucky and Pietro acted as human crutches, helping her limp over to us. "I've gotten a couple before, I'm not allergic, it just takes a day or two to die down," She smiled mischievously. "Not painful enough to stop me from having a great spring break," She stopped in her tracks when Pietro took her suitcase and went off to talk to Sam. Bucky grinned and knelt down so Wanda could hop on his back. "Race you guys to the yacht!"

"Oh, hell no!" Carol tightened her bag's straps around her arm, running to Pietro, who handed her his own bag before she mounted his back. Pietro tossed Wanda's suitcase at me so he wouldn't have to hold it and smirked playfully before rushing off. The two chased after Bucky and Wanda while the remainder of the group stood and watched the four face off. Sam and Steve chuckled, jogging towards them. Tony had walked ahead of the group while Wanda was catching up to us, and was already talking to the captain of the yacht. I snorted from trying to hold back a laugh and Maria and Pepper joined in, as the three of us picked up our suitcases, plus Wanda's, and walked over to everyone.

Steve helped me hop onto the slightly steep step and I hopped up the rest of them more easily, running to the deck, looking out on the ocean. The yacht started moving and I could hear someone creep up behind me. "It's a great view, huh?" Steve smiled down at me, resting his elbows on the rail. 

"Yeah, it is," I looked out at the ocean. "I've never seen open water like this." 

"Really? Not even like... the Baltic Sea or the... Volga River?"

"No, just me, my dad, my dog, and my m..." I trailed off, staring into the open water.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, immediately knowing something was wrong.

"My mom reached out to me," I admitted. 

"That's great," Steve smiled. "Right?"

"I don't know, I, uh... I was really rude to her when I first talked to her. She's going back to Russia this week, and I'd rather not think about her. She's impacted my life enough already, I don't need her weaving in and out whenever she wants," I bitterly kicked the rail softly. 

"Well, my parents aren't a big part of my life. But whenever I see them when they're in town, they want to spend all the time they can with me, whether I like it or not. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. More desperate, too. Hear your mom out. If she's reaching out, it's probably because she has something important to tell you," Steve advised me. 

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