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Leah Beau

I walk out of the bathroom slowly and stare at Mason who is sitting on his bed looking at his phone. Hearing the bathroom door open he looks up from his phone and stares me. The look on my face tells him that we have to talk.

"Join me for lunch will you?" I ask him nodding towards the door. He nods and gets up from his bed. I eye the closet in front of the bathroom door and open it only to see guns ranging from handguns to submachine guns to assault rifles and snipers. Along with all the guns are the attachments such as silencers, extended magazines and scopes for all distances. I pick up one of the handgun and tuck it between my waist and trouser. He does the same.

We leave the room and walk outside together to a nearby restaurant. We both are quiet, tension evident in the air. When we both are seated in the restaurant does Mason speak first.

"So what did you find?" He asks me and I take out the piece of paper that was in my pocket and show it to him. He studies it for a while. "Caesars Cipher." He says clearly familiar with the code. I nod in approval at him. "Have you deciphered it yet?" He asks me still looking at the cipher. A part of me tells me that he's solving deciphering it right now in his head.

"I did. It says 'do not go to the house'. I have a feeling that the house it's talking about is the Vice President's house but I don't know why it's telling us not to go and who this is." I speak.

"There's no way this is NUPA. NUPA doesn't leave notes. It only sends text messages. Whoever this is knows which hotel we would be staying in as well as the room. This person has tabs on us. Something tells me this person is watching us right now as well." Mason says and it makes the hair on my arms stand up and send a slight shiver down my spine.

"We're being watched." I say lowly as I look around the restaurant. Nothing looks out of the ordinary. I eye everyone in the restaurant yet nothing about the people here give a peculiar vibe which I am looking for. I sense Mason doing the same. Trying to see from where we might be being watched from. How close our stalker is. "Only NUPA knows about its agents." I mutter.

"This is a warning from that person to either protect us or threaten us." Mason says, his voice dangerously low. "And the only way we can find out is by going to the house fully prepared." He continues now looking me in the eye. "Of course if you're too scared then I'll go by myself." He smirks.

I smile at him. "Don't worry about me Mason. I'm not the one who walks as loud as a pregnant lady." I counter.

"HI! Are you ready to order?" A waitress comes to our table asking us. She has blonde hair in a ponytail with light green eyes. She's quite pretty. She's extra jumpy upon seeing Mason and I roll my eyes. "15% off on everything for attractive men." She says winking at Mason and he smirks at her.

"Cheeseburger and coke." Mason says smirking at her and I lean back in my chair annoyed.

"And what about you miss?" She asks me.

"The same." I say giving her a small smile.

"Jealous?" Mason asks me smirking. Oh how I wish I could slice off that smirk off his face with mjy knife.

"Oh yeah! I wish I would get discounts  too for having a pretty face." I snap at him and he chuckles.

"You think I have a pretty face?" He asks. Great. I just boosted his ego more than it already was.

"I don't. She does." I say with my thumb pointing towards the direction the waitress walked off to.

"Oh and first get a pretty face and then dream about getting discounts." He says and I look at him with a straight face wondering if I should even bother to reply him. I decide not to and we both sit in silence waiting for our food to arrive. It arrives soon and we both eat our food in silence and my eyes dart in different directions not wanting to look at Mason until it lands on a familiar face. I squint my eyes to look at him and realize it's Nick.

Case 92 [18+] ✅Where stories live. Discover now