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Mason Davis

I walk over to the bed, my head heavy and sit down massaging my temples to get rid of the incoming headache. My mind is jumbled because of my conversation with Leah. She makes me go crazy at times but that really makes me want her even more. Just like right now. I want her to come with me to New York when this is over. It might seem crazy but what's life if not a little crazy?

I run my tongue over my lips, raising my head to look at my now closed door. The two 'intimidating' men in black suits have left the room, leaving all my previous belongings that I lost this whole week in my room without saying a single word about how they were able to acquire them without alerting NUPA.

It's the President, I'm sure he has the power to do basically anything. Even attack North Korea but of course he won't do that knowing the consequences of it.

I turn my head to look at the night stand to see a glass of water already sitting there but there's something under it. I narrow my eyes at it, my curiosity growing by the second and stand walking over to it and raising the glass to see something that I wish I hadn't.

A note.

There is a note under the glass of water in one of the guest rooms inside the White House to which the President himself invited me to. I grab the piece of paper in my hand and squint my eyes to look at it.

Watch out.

What the actual fuck?

I silently curse and close my eyes trying to push away the growing ache in my head. For fucks sake.

I curse yet again as I walk to my door opening it and knock on the door that is opposite of mine. Leah's door. I hear her voice coming from the inside.

"Come in." I open the door and walk inside her room. It's the same as mine. I have a grave expression on my face as she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

Looking at the note in my hand, her face falls and morphs into a grave one as well.

"What does it say?" Her voice comes out as a whisper and my lips remain a thin line, unmoving. "Mason." She calls out to me again and I snap my eyes into hers to look at her staring right into mine. I don't answer her instead I walk over to her looking down at the note in my hand then hand it to her.

She takes it from my hand, her fingers lightly brushing against mine and reads the two words written on it.

"Do you think this is from Jane? The Vice President of NUPA?" She asks me after a moment has passed by not looking away from the note in her hands.

"Why would she tell us to watch out when we are in the white house and are called by the President? Is she trying to tell us someone here is going to try and kill us?" Different scenarios are running through my mind, all of them scare me because they involve a combination of Leah and death.

"That seems more likely. Whatever it is we have to be ready for it. We have to be alert at all times." She sighs taking a look at the note one last time before crumbling it in her hand and tossing it on the bed. After a few seconds of an awkward silence she clears her throat and then looks at me."Could the note mean that the President wants to kill us?"

She speaks my thoughts out loud and I sigh raising my hand to run through my hair out of frustration. We can't catch a break.

"I don't know. I don't know about anything." I mutter walking over to her wanting myself to be nearer to her. Something about her pulls me to her every time I'm in the same room with her and I don't know how to control myself around her. Maybe it's the way her breathe hitches in her throat whenever I'm near her whispering in her neck. Maybe it's just her. It's just how she is and she's fucking irresistible to me.

Case 92 [18+] ✅Where stories live. Discover now