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Leah Beau

I feel a hand shaking my arm and I groan. "Come on." I hear Mason say and snatch my arm away from.

"Go away." I mumble.

"Leah, come on. I already got the room booked. All you have to do is walk your lazy ass into the room and get in the bed." I groan not wanting to answer or listen to Mason. Everything he is saying is making no sense to me at all because I am so deep in my slumber.

"Fine. Sleep in the damn car." I hear him say and then hear the car door slam close and I sigh peeling my eyes open to look around. I am still in the car and all alone. The bag of guns is gone as well and I groan stepping out of the car to look at where we are. I'm in some parking lot. There are a few but not too many cars parked here. None of them as flashy as the one I just came out of. I close the car door behind me and start walking up the stairs that leads me into the main lounge.

Its large but not too large with plants lining the main entrance of the hotel. Infront of it's main entrance is the main desk where one woman sits bored staring at her computer. I walk up to her. When she looks at me she gives me a small smile. I return her a small smile as well. My vision was still slightly blurry and I did not know what was happening in my surroundings that well. There is a small pot of a plant sitting on the corner of the desk that looks like it needs watering.

"Which room did the man that came here a while ago go?" I ask her.

"Are you talking about the man in the black shirt?" She asks me and I nod.

"He's on the second floor room 24." She says and I mumble a thanks before taking the elevator to go to the second floor and then find the room numbered 24. I sigh once before knocking on the door. I wait for a few minutes for Mason to answer the door. No answer.

I knock again, this time harder. After waiting a few minutes still no answer. He is so doing this on purpose because I didn't come out of the car when he told me to.

"Mason open up, it's me." I say while knocking on the door a third time and this time he opens up. His hair is all wet and sticking out in every direction and water is dripping down his body. His towel is wrapped low on his hip exposing his V line and I quickly look away.

"What?" He asks glaring at me and I glare at him back.

"Let me in. I wanna sleep."

He stares at me momentarily and then moves his body to the side giving me space to walk in. I don't look at him when I walk inside and then stop in the middle of the room as my mouth drops open and I whip my head to glare at Mason.

"There's only one bed Mason." I say.

"Glad to know your eyes work perfectly." He says and then walks away into the bathroom and I clench my fists trying to keep calm. There was no way that I was going to sleep on the same bed as him. I didn't trust him and most of all I didn't trust myself. My animalistic desires took control over my body.

I look around the room. There is one large bed to fit 2 people. On either side of the bed is a small wooden nightstand. In front of the bed is a table with a mirror hanging on the wall and on its right side, in the corner is the TV that sits atop another small table. The bathroom comes to the right the moment you enter the room. There's a balcony on the left side of the bed which you enter through the sliding glass doors.

I feel my head aching yet again and sit on the bed waiting for Mason to come out so that I can get an advil from the bathroom when he comes out. While I sit there, I let my thoughts drift. My mind goes back to the information that the President told me about.

Case 92 [18+] ✅Where stories live. Discover now