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If you can't see the song tap it fast a few times and it'll play. Do this for every video you see please :) and this is in no way related to the chapter

Leah Beau

"I-I don't get it." I stutter placing the note on the table and Mason eyes me momentarily before picking up the note. He stares at it for a while and then puts it down but doesn't say anything and I raise my eyebrow at him expecting him to atleast say something.

"Well..?" I ask him.

He smirks at me. "The SC means South Carolina. It's an address." He says and I nod my head at him.

"What the hell are we supposed to do then?" I ask him holding the note in my hand and raising it to my heads level. "Are we supposed to go here? What if there's a firing squad waiting for us here. Or better, a bomb to blow us up in pieces? That would be great wouldn't it be?"

"Can you shut up?" Mason asks me and I flare at him.

"Suck my dick." I mutter looking away from him and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Which one? The one I bought you or the one you used two days ago?" He smirks at me and I kick him in the shin and get up to leave as my face redeems at the memory. I will actually kill him one day. Fuck the sex.

"Oh come on! I'm just joking." He says but I shake my head as I keep walking away and he chases after me and wrap his arm around my shoulder pulling me to his side.

"You gotta tell me though. I made you feel much better didn't I?" He asks as we enter the elevator and I shake my head at him as I press the button of our floor.

"The vibrator was much better." I say and he hums. He knows I'm lying. Last night was the best night of my life, sex wise.

"Whatever you say." He says as we wait for the elevator to stop on our floor. When the elevator stops we both step out and walk into our room.

"You do know we have to go wherever this place is telling us to right?" Mason says and I whip around to face him.

"Last time we went to a place you said that we should check out to figure things out, that place blew up to pieces and almost blew us up too." I say gesturing with my hands of how we went flying back when the house blew up.

"Well that time, the note told us not to go to the house, this time it's telling us to go somewhere." He says and I shake my head again pacing around the room.

"Look at it this way. We go there and this time the note lady called us there so she can kill us. Maybe note lady only wanted to save us once." I say trying to make a point to Mason.

"How do you know it's a lady?" He asks me narrowing his eyes at me and I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose, frustrating picking on my every nerve.

"The waiter told me." I say and sit down on the bed as he nods.

"Now look at it this way. She's not trying to kill us, maybe there is something useful for us there and we never get it and end up dying." He says and I fall back on the bed feeling a headache pushing its way in my head. "We have to go to find out or we'll never know."

"Why do you have to be right." I mumble twisting in the bed and Mason walks over to me and I grab his arm pulling him towards and press my lips against his. I kiss him softly and I feel him kissing me back the same way and I pull him closer.

He climbs on the bed kicking his shoes off and kisses me back a little harder and I moan. His hands pull on my shirt and I push them away and he pulls away to look at me.

Case 92 [18+] ✅Where stories live. Discover now