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Leah Beau

"You know Jane is really starting to get on my nerves." I mutter as I throw my clothes on the bed. Look at me having to leave yet again to go to a hotel again. You can bet your ass that this time I'm stealing all the shampoos and soaps from there.

"I have an idea. How about we snap Jane's neck? I'm sure there's not many people who are actually going to miss her." Mason speaks. He's sitting on my bed with his arms behind his head staring at me doing work.

I halt in between to look back at him with a smirk. "Let's do it." I speak and he raises an eyebrow at me as if to say, are you serious right now?

He speaks it as well. "Are you serious right now?"

"As serious as I can be." I resume in pulling out clothes from my closet and throwing them on the bed only to have one shirt be thrown in my face. I glare at Mason who is surprisingly not smirking. Instead, he's staring at me with nothing but grave seriousness in his eyes.

"What?" I question him narrowing my eyes.

"Do you really think we should kill Jane? Do you really think that is what will solve everything?" He asks me and I pause. My mind racing through endless possibilities and courses of action we could take and it's consequences.

"This might sound crazy but yeah. Think about it. I don't think the president is going to have a problem with us eliminating someone who is currently controlling about a hundred agents without their consent and also gave a death order to most of them on her own agents. She's kinda a bitch." I say and I can tell that Mason is going through all the actions that we could take in his head and considering what action could be the best taking into account the kind of mess that we are in right now.

"The thing is that even if we kill her, it might not stop the order of our assassination. We need to shut down the program from which she's controlling the agents. This whole mess began with the program and I truly think that it'll end with the program as well." He says and I nod in agreement with him.

"So we're killing Jane Hutcherson. The president of NUPA." I say loudly trying to have that settle in myself and Mason nods slightly as if already calculating the risks of this mission.

"The hunter becomes the hunted." He finally says smirking up at me and I can't help myself as my lips rise from one side to turn into a smirk.

"She doesn't know what's coming at her." I say and Mason laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask him scowling.

"A pregnant lady is coming at her. That's what." He says with a teasing smile and I roll up the shirt he threw at me and throw it back at him. His grin widens.

"Think you should finally start calling me daddy now." He says and I scoff.

"Do I look like a hormonal sixteen year old to you?" I shoot back and I hear him mutter something under his breath and choose to ignore him. Annoying a woman pregnant with his child. How gentleman-ish of him.

I throw him some spare clothes and extra bullets in my backpack and sling it over my shoulder and fix my gun between my waist and the waist band of my pants. After this both Mason and I are out of my apartment, the body of the man tied up to chair still in my lounge and bleeding. Damn I'm gonna have to change my rug now.

"You gonna just stand there or actually more your carcass?" He asks me leaning against his Mercedes and I roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up. I'm pregnant." I say and he just smirks as I walk up to the car and sit inside throwing my backpack in the backseat.

"You know Chicago better than me." He starts the car. "Where to?" I think for a few seconds and then tell him the address. The ride is quiet but it is a comfortable silence in which we both bathe in knowing that what we decided to do isn't going to be a walk in the park for either of us. In my case I won't be putting just myself at risk but my unborn baby as well of whom I found out about just a few hours ago. Sometimes I wish my life wasn't so eventful.

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