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Leah Beau

I walk with Mason into the building. Huge white pillars line the entrance and there is a red carpet laid from the entrance door till the start of the road for all of the people to walk on. Photographers are everywhere snapping pictures of the arriving guests. Mason looks away from the cameras while I look down so that my hair shield me from the cameras and my face does not come in any picture.

Large doors invite us in, the latest music blares loud from the speakers making conversation impossible. Fancy lights like the walls and the ground making the whole place light up. It is a grand party indeed.

Ear pieces would have helped us but we figured that NUPA would be able to head all our conversations if we actually used them so we decided to have hand signs for communication from afar.

When we walk inside my head spins as I try to search for the president through the large crowd and I notice Mason doing the exact same as well. The faster we get this done the better it will be for the both of us. I hate the way my body is reacting to Mason's so I might as well find somebody that I can do it with as well so that the need just goes away. It sounds stupid and it is stupid but hey I'm a little stupid too so it's okay.

"I see him." Mason says leaning into my ear and I shiver. I know he notices and I'm glad that he chooses to ignore, it's very good for my already damaged ego. He nods his head towards the private lounge which is guarded by two pretty big bodyguards that could probably rip me in half in a second if they wanted too.

"How the hell am I supposed to get in there?" I ask him my shoulders already drooping. You can see the president sitting there on the sofa with a few other men, they seem to be in quite a few serious talks probably because of the Vice Presidents murder.

"You know I've heard that the President has quite a thing for French women." Mason smirks and I look back at the private lounge, a smirk sneaking it's way onto my face.

"Well the President is sure in some luck today." I say smirking back at Mason. "Do you remember what you're supposed to do?" I ask him and he nods.

"Drink and watch out for your weak ass." He says and I roll my eyes at him. Typical Mason.

"Dont drink too much." I say and then pat hin on the shoulder before walking off towards the private lounge. I push through the dancing bodies and walk as sexilg and slowly as I can towards the private lounge not glancing at the bodyguards as if my place in the private lounge was certain.

I am about to enter when one of the  bodyguards speaks up. "I'm sorry ma'am but you are not allowed to go inside."

"Excusez-moi? (Excuse me?) But it is too loud out there." I yell in my thickest French accent and throw my hands in the air showing my frustration. My corner of my eyes catches the sight of the president now looking at me.


"Voulez-vous que je meure là-bas? Je ne suis qu'une personne. S'il vous plaît." (Do you want me to die out there? I am just one person. Please.) I cry out loud in frustration until the president himself walks up to me with a smile.

"It's okay gentlemen, one more person here couldn't hurt. Let her in." He speaks to them in a kind voice.

"But sir-" They try to argue with him but he speaks once more.

"That's an order." They both hesitantly look towards eachother before moving aside and letting me in. I know that Mason is behind me in that crowd watching me from somewhere and just knowing that I felt tingly. I get annoyed by my thoughts again. At this rate I might as well just have sex with the fifty year old man in front of me.

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