CH. 01 - Yui Hirasawa (K-On)

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Yui Hirasawa, the main Vocalist and rhythm guitarist of HTT (Houkago Tea Time). She is funny, clumsy, loves to eat sweets, passionate, thoughtful, and in love with her bandmate, Y/N Y/L/N.

Today is Friday which means hangout time. It is their normal routine every week to go to different places. This time they're going to Hot Spring.

At the entrance,

"Wow! It's beautiful in here. I wish I could stay here forever." Yui said while admiring the place.

"Oh yeah? Then don't. It's fine we will leave without you." Y/N said.

"What?! You meanie!" She whined. "Why would you leave me? Don't you love me anymore? Stay hereee." She pouted and attacked Y/N with hug.

"Of-ofcourse! I mean.. Of course not!"

"Oh come on! I know you love it when I do this." Yui giggled and hugged Y/N like a koala.

"Ughh! Stop! Get off me. Stop being so clingy. Ughh!" Y/N tried to shove Yui from her.

"Hey, hey, stop fooling around Senpais." Asuza butted in. "We have to move or else you don't want to enjoy a refreshing bath. Byee."

"Right let's move you two." Ritsu added.

"I want to Asu-nyan!" Yui exclaimed. "It's just Y/N is being a meanie again. And I love to take a bath with Y/N. Yeyy!" She giggled.

"Wh-what? No. Get off." Y/N disapprovingly said.

"There they go again. Let's move, let's move." Mio shrugged.

"Aren't they so cute Mio-chan?" Mugi said while staring lovingly at the two.

"Cute? How?" Ritsu questioned.

"Oh come on Ritsu-chan. Can't you see them? A bakadere who loves a tsundere they are perfect for each other. It's a cute and innocent love, isn't it?" Mugi said while staring at the couple.

"Stop explaining Mugi-chan. You're wasting time, she won't get it. She is as simpleton and dumb as Yui. She doesn't even know the word love, okay?" Mio calmly said while looking at Ritsu.

"What did you just said?" Ritsu exclaimed.

"Nothing, nothing."

Back at the stupid couple. (Gomen! XD)

"Hmm. Y/N?" Yui looked up to see Y/N's face whose as red as a tomato hearing what Mugi said earlier. "Are you okay? You are red." She touched Y/N's forehead.

"I-I'm fine. Don't touch my forehead." She lightly shove Yui's hand.

Yui looked at Y/N with sadness in her eyes. "Y/N, don't you like me?"

"Wha-what? A-ano." Y/N looked away.

"You also said before it's fine with you to leave without me. You will really leave me?" She looked at Y/N with a pouty lip.

Y/N can't helped it but look away. 'Sh-she's too cute. I cann't look.' She thought.

"And I thought you like me too."

"Wh-who said that? Wait. Li-like y-you t-to-too?" Y/N nervously said while looking away. She lightly pushed Yui.

"Ughhh! No! I want to cuddle with you. You're sooo warm." Yui hugged Y/N again tightly.

"Yui st-stopp." Y/N blushed.

Y/N seem to be annoyed when Yui is clingy but the truth is she likes it but doesn't want to show it. Why? She's a tsundere.

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