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"Don't forget to check all the documents I sent you. Some of them are with June" Sandee said to me as she handed the assignment questions to me as I was absent the day our teacher handed us the questions paper and apparently, my assignment mate, which is Pete the asshole isn't even cooperating, because of that, we both have to come to Sandee's house so that she could give us the questions and explain about some of it.

Before I could even take the paper, Pete, that was standing glumly beside me since just now snatched it roughly from her hand.

I turned to him to give him a glare for being harsh at Sandee but he just ignored me while pretending to skim over the questions.

"Be quick, the due date is next week" Sandee said, ignoring what just happened

"I always am" I retort back at her

"Im going to leave now"

Pete suddenly said and went out without even greeting goodbye at both of us. I said a quick goodbye to Sandee before chasing after him because I didn't even have a proper look at the questions. Knowing him, the questions paper would be gone along with the trash in his room by tomorrow. We both couldn't even finish our assignment if that happens.

"Pete, wait!" I said to him as I ran towards the parking lot

He stopped walking when he heard me calling out his name and turn around with an annoyed look on his face. I was panting, trying to catch my breath from the chase.

"Fuckin weak" he said in a low breath​ and tossed the questions paper at me, causing it to be scattered on the ground

What the hell

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him and went to pick up the paper before it gets dirty

I don't know what sins did I do in my past life that I had to be partnered up with a douchebag like him

"Get the work done and if you have questions, call June or Sandee" he said coldly while climbing up to his car

"Do you even know what team work means?" I asked him, now annoyed at his act of ignorance.

The moment that i heard I was going to be partnered up with him, I know that I had to finish the assignment by myself. I was okay with finishing the assignment by myself but it's not fair when he was going to get the same mark as I am when he wasn't even going to help me.

Ugh. If only the teacher allowed us to work solo.

He ignored me and closed his car door. He rolled the window down and smirks at me.

"I don't even want to be paired with you in the first place" he said as he start his car

Do you think I want to?

I threw him the nastiest glare I could because I was so mad and annoyed at him right now yet his smirk just grew even wider. If only I could punch the smirk out of him right now.

"Goodluck" he said

That was his last word before he drives out of Sandee's parking lot. Off to I don't know where. Probably a club. Probably meeting his toy girl. Probably out to a fight.

Why the hell do i care?

I don't care about what he do. He can go die for all I care. I don't even know why is he even mad at me. Logically thinking, it was me who was supposed to be mad at him. I helped him so many times yet he was still acting like an ungrateful brat. Ugh

I really hate him

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