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The next morning was awkward as hell. When I got into class, he didn't even glance at me. He even changes his seat far away from me. Sandee and June were giving us weird looks but I just ignored them and went to sit next to Thada because I know that he's not going to ask me any question.

"Whats wrong with you and Pete? Why does he looks like he just got beaten up?" June whispered from his seat behind me

I ignored his questions. I don't want to look behind becase Pete was sitting beside him.

"Are you both fighting again?" Came another question from June but it remained unanswered

That was the last question I heard from June  before the teacher went into the class and started teaching. Honestly, it feels so uncomfortable being in this class knowing that someone is glaring at you from behind. I wasnt looking but I can feel it. I dont even know why is he so mad about this. Its not like I wanted to kiss his ugly bratty mouth. I'd rather kiss a hippo than to kiss that hideous mouth of him!

"Ok class, turn to page 107" came a voice from the middle aged lady in front, snapping me from my angry thoughts

I dont care if he wants to hate me. I hated him since the first day i met him. Whats the difference?


"Lets go to the new BBQ restaurant today!" June exclaimed as soon as we got out of the class

He was always so loud and sometimes it hurts my ear but hes the energy pill of our gang.

Sandee and Thada just nod in agreement

"I can't" Pete suddenly said

June tsked in annoyance, his shoulders drooping, showing his disappointment.

"Oh come on" he wailed

"I promised to eat with Mint today, she's waiting for me" Pete said cockily, his thumb pointing at the direction of his car behind him

A girl with a long auburn hair and a big doe eyes were leaning against the hood of his car. She is the epitome of beauty. It is a wonder that she ended up with someone beastly and assholey as Pete. I don't even know what girls go crazy about for him. If only they knew how horrible his personality is, they would cancel him straight away.

"What?! Since when were you with her?" Sandee who had been quiet since just now suddenly spoke

"Uh, yesterday?"

Sandee just looked at him in total disbelief. Her mouth half gaping. Thada who was beside her went to push her chin upward to close her mouth causing Sandee to slap his hands away

Pete ran away to his car before Sandee could even say anything. June just tsked at him and shook his head while resting his arm on my shoulder

"That is his third girlfriend for this month and that Mint girl is the hottest chick in Arts Faculty!" June said in a dreamy tone

It's not a surprise that he is a playboy

"Who cares, lets go eat!" I said turning away from that asshole's direction

"Hey Kao! Wait!"


The sound meat sizzling on the hot grill made everyone on the table waters their mouth. The tender juice of the meat drizzle its way out as Sandee flips the uncooked part of the meat

"How long do we have to wait" June suddenly groaned beside me. He was leaning onto the chair, his face showing an impatient looks while both chopstick and spoon were on his hands

"We just got here you fool" Sandee tsked at him

"It feels like we've waited for years"

I just chuckled at June's behaviour while helping Sandee to grill the rest of the uncooked meat

"Anyone who got you will be so lucky" June suddenly said to me

"Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion

"What do you not know? You're well mannered, you know how to cook, you're good at maths and you're quite good looking too but not as handsome as me" he said smugly while pretending to fix his hair with his fingers

Sandee who was flipping the meat made a vomitting motion when he heard June said that and he just gave her a dirty looks

"And you're even more soft spoken than this tomboyish Sandee" He added, making Sandee even more annoyed at him

"You dont blame me if there is no meat on your plate later" Sandee replied coldly

"Im just kidding!"

Thada who had been sitting there quietly just shook his head at these two bickering teenagers while sipping on his cold green tea. Not bothering to talk to anybody, just waiting for his grilled meat to be given

"By the way, have you guys packed for our camping trip this sunday?" June said after he finished bickering with Sandee

"Can I not go?" I said sunkenly

Thada tsked upon hearing my refusal

"Is this about your arguments with Pete again?" he asked

I ignored him while continued grilling the meat, I don't even bother to answer his question. My brain hurts even just by hearing his name

"Kao, you can't be like this" Sandee complained

I rolled my eyes hearing her words

"So he can be an asshole to me?" I said bitterly

Sandee groaned and the other just keep quiet

June suddenly tapped my shoulder and grinned

"Hey maybe you could take this time to be buddy buddy with him?"

Buddy buddy? I dont even want to be near him

"I dont know"

They dont even know how bad that asshole treat me. If they were in my shoes they'd probably spit on him

"Whatever, just be there early" Sandee said while putting meat on each of our plates

Suddenly the juicy meat doesn't look so good anymore. I lost my appetite. I hate how that stuck up jerk could affect my mood so bad that I dont feel like eating anymore. What happened between us is not even considered as a big deal. I could ignore it and act like nothing happens between us. I could even consider being a friend with him if he weren't being such an asshole.

"I dont care whatever things that you are arguing with him about but its affecting the whole group" Thada suddenly said with a serious look on his face

They should've said this to him. Not me

I just nodded, I didnt bother to explain myself anymore. Funny how the mood changes from lively to glum just by talking about that asshole


Ok first of all IM SO SOOO SOOO SORRYYYY to those who was waiting for an update for this book yet became disappointed because i havent update this book for so long 😭 sorry to those who still had faith in me updating this book yet got disappointed bc I didnt 😭 you can be mad at me, i had no reason to defend myself. Actually i kinda lost my motivation to continue writing but yall still voting and commenting and im like "what did i do to deserve and angels reader like yall" so hello im back and i hope u could forgive me

Ps: stay healthy, i love u all

Oh im gonna start writing from a 3rd pov after this

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