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Kao finds himself in a familiar situation again, a situation where Pete drives into an unfamiliar road again instead of driving back home but this time, Kao didn't bother asking, he just sat there quietly, watching the scenery outside as the sky darkens into shades of purple and orange

After driving for a while, Pete's car finally made a stop at the seaside

"Come" Pete motion for them both to go out of the car and Kao just followed him quietly as they both walk towards the seashore

There weren't too many people at the beach, since it was already nearing night, most people had already went back to their own home after enjoying a sunny day beside the beach. In fact there was only them there and some people on the boat far away from them at the sea, probably fishing, probably doing an illegal trades, one could never guess

Kao didn't know why Pete suddenly brought him out here this late but when Kao looked at Pete, he saw Pete was gazing far towards the ocean, his eyes fixed on nothing particular yet the expression he had on, looks like he was longing, yearning, like he was missing something. Someone. It was the same look Pete had back then when he brought Kao to the lake. Kao suddenly had a thought in mind

"Are you suddenly missing your mom again?" Kao asked in a small voice

Pete was silent for a while, not directly answering Kao's question before finally shooking his head


Pete released a deep breath, his eyes still gazing longingly towards the ocean

"I just feel like taking you to every place my mom had brought me to..."

Pete turned his body towards Kao, taking Kao's hand in his, his gaze now on their clasped hand as he brushed his thumb softly on the back of Kao's hand

" that whenever I go to that place again, I'll remember you and not her. I'll remember your presence in that very place with me knowing that you wont ever leave me"

This time Pete looked directly towards Kao, Pete's eyes staring deeply into Kao's eyes as if reading Kao's expression

While Kao, he was dumbstrucked at Pete's words. He didn't know what to reply. He didn't know the right words to say to Pete. He was touched and sad at the same time. Pete was replacing the memories he made with his mom by creating new memories with him. Kao was sad that Pete wanted to forget his mom but he was touched that out of all people, Pete wanted to make a new happy memories with him

"You wont leave me right?" Pete asked when he didn't hear Kao replying him, suddenly feeling insecure

Were not even together yet but the thoughts of leaving you never once passed my mind

Kao, feeling suddenly embarassed at his own romantic thoughts, pretended to look away, fixing his gaze towards the ocean when he felt the blush creeping up his cheeks

"We're not even boyfriends yet" Kao mutters childishly

Pete chuckles at Kao's words, inching himself closer towards Kao till they are shoulder to shoulder before wrapping his hands around Kao's slender waist, bringing his face closer to Kao, a cheeky smile on his face before saying

"Then do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Kao jerked his head away in embarassment at Pete's sudden closeness, his hand gripping onto Pete's hand that was around his waist to remove it but Pete held him even tighter

"Get off me" Kao said wiggling out of Pete's hold

"Why are you being so shy? We already did more than this" Pete said chuckling, this time bringing Kao even closer to him, both of Pete's hand wrapping around Kao's waist

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