Almost wanting to come back

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There been a time where Meg doesn't want to return to her old with shitty people that she grew to despise. Yes that shitty people happens to be her family.

They were such a bastard to her and she doesn't know why. She tried to be a good daughter but that doesn't seem to work. They always hated her and told her she is useless.

I want to go back through she thought holding her stomach. She truly did but she knows why she couldn't.

She almost did come back home at one point. She wanted to see everyone again but she shook if off and didn't.

Tough luck if they want too see me that badly, they should have see that to me when I was living there Meg looked bitter.

She left her friends house to be alone at her place. This town quiet and peaceful just the way she like it.

"Dont worry little one..I will make sure you are love and raise right unlike my family" Meg murmurs rubbing her stomach gently.

I will protect you little one..even if it means my own life to do so..

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