Chilling like a villian

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"So now were playing bad guys then?" Monica nodded at Darren "Yep. We are going to win this game through and Meg will head to her downhill soon enough" She smirked.

Darren hates Meg just because of Moncia( like I said he was obsessed with this chick!). He loves Monica and would do anything to make her happy!

"You will as soon as you put your plans into actions. She wont know what hits her" Her eyes shined brightly and kiss him.

"Baby! The way your thinking like a villain makes me so fricking happy! I love you!" She cries hugging him.

He sighed happily as he was being hugged. He was bad wanting to take down someone because of no reason but he choose Moncia over everything else.

So fuck Meg and everything else, he would die with Moncia if that would it takes to make sure Megs life was reduced into hell!

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