The Battle to End All Battles Part 2

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"Are you mad?" Superman yelled. "You know what this will do! You will break the universe!"

"Insane? Yes. Stupid? No. It will break the universe, possibly." Lex said with bravado. "But it will BREAK YOU! No stupid green rock will keep you down. Your Boy Scouts here keep bringing you back. If you'd stay dead, maybe I would have laid it all down." Lex growled angrily, "No. You wouldn't, COULDN'T stay away. Couldn't stay DEAD. Now I am drawn to extreme measures. More extreme than before." Lex raised his clenched hand in front of the Greatest Heroes. The detonator had a blue button on top, a thick, metallic cylindrical  shaft and a blunt curved bottom. The thing weighed a good five pounds. 

As it peaked through his clasped fist, Superman's eyes lit up with a fear Lex never witnessed before.

The Flash skidded to a halt behind Wonder Woman and Superman, standing on the green flecked black sand. A mist and water drops rained on them briefly, debris from his momentum. Batman hovered above the ground a good 50 feet up in his Bat Jet. Cyborg sat on the right wing, with Aquaman wounded terribly in his right shoulder and Mera by his side on the left wing. She  steadily applied pressure so that Arthur could focus on what was going on.

All the hostages eyes closed hopelessly, tears streaking the faces of Martha and Lois Kent. IT was coming to an end. All of it.

Batman ejected from his seat at the same time that Lex pressed his thumb on the detonator.

"It's time to meet God." He said with a wicked laugh.

The air where the small dome sat in the sand sparked and everything froze. It was as if the air was water and was rippling all around them, a gaping hole appeared with a brilliant blue light in a horizontal line. Another and ANOTHER hole, right after another opened up.

With a blink of light they were all sucked forward. 

Lex saw streams of color, the Justice League heroes and their gimmicks like a rainbow. He was stretched, contorted, spun continuously for what felt like a millennia. Something tore him apart at the level of his soul. Do I even have a soul? he wondered. He felt a darkness being sucked out, saw it floating and shifting in front of his constant contorting body, and it disappeared. 

A light neared him. Like the Light everyone said that they saw after death. While some saw darkness, and that was what he expected for himself, it grew brighter and brighter until he felt himself burning and agonizing nuclear burn he only felt once before when one of his plans went awry and was healed by these "merciful" heroes. He closed his eyes when he thought it was over. 

He felt a gushing of air around him.  Adrenaline coursing through his body. Then a tight grip on his right ankle. 

"Why'd you catch him?" Lex heard. Aquaman. 

"You'd rather he splatter everyone below?" Cyborg scoffed. "It is a miracle they weren't sucked in as well. We barely escaped, and this jerk somehow survives." Cyborg plants him down harshly on the sand. 

"Like he said, why'd you catch him?" Mera demanded.

"If we didn't we'd be just like him."  

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