Princess of Gotham: Assimilation

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I am dragged into an elevator by the disco man behind the leather couch Joker sat on, and escorted to the top floor. It isn't the top floor but rather, the outside roof. The elevator opens from the would be access stair case shed, looking out onto a graveled floor. Towering shrubs and fragrant flowers decorate the dark roof. To the right is a greenhouse. A massive one.

My eyes widen in horror. I fight against Disco's grip on my arm. "Let me go, you aren't taking me Ivy. You were supposed to help me! Not, give me over to her. She is evil." I yell, kicking shins. He winces and hops around, looks back at me with a raised back hand.

I would fight him, but any and all Amazon strength I had earlier last night, is all gone. 

"She isn't the only one who likes greenhouses, you know?" A young female voice says. 

I stop struggling and turn my head in disbelief. It's just as bad or worse.

"Don't worry, Princess, I am on your side." Fern says slowly walking my way. 

She has grown up too fast. Covered in green, with slits up the side of the torso of her dress, a triangle of black fabric at her neck, and on each of her arms from the elbow down. Flowers blooming in her hair and the dress that sprouts from her waist like tendrils. A vine tail, with a three pronged pitchfork edge covered in thorns whips around like a cat tail. She is excited and intrigued. I can see it in her eyes.

"Your poor feet." She says kneeling. "We must get you cleaned up quickly."

"Did you just turn into a Disney Princess? Cuz that would be the only thing that makes sense out of my last two days." I say.

She giggles and stands, towering over me. 6'5, the height of Torque. "Wow." I say amazed at her growth. 

"Darling, would you be a dear and go fetch those civilian clothes Joker rummaged up for us? We need to get her changed and into her part." Fern croons.

Ughhh, I don't think I can be more disgusted by her candy coated tone.

"Come with me, sister. Into the garden our Uncle has made for us."

"Uncle?" I say in protest, yanking my arm back. "That psycho isn't related to you, nor I." I say poking at her defiantly in her chest. Her tail from her hair whips around and grasps my hand. "Don't insult me. Don't trample my plants, and don't assume to tell me anything about family. You are just as much as family as he is, according to your standards. But here you are. Still my family." She growls like a normal person. "Don't taunt me. Today has been enough having your sudden appearance disrupting everything. The plants I grew for my mother, they have been given to the InJustice League as presents, correct?" She asks as her tendrils whip open the glass doors of the greenhouse.

"The flowers? You?" I ask hesitant. 

"She thought she could just steal my flowers, and try to enchant them all? Make Luthor her man again?" She tisks in disgust. "Good thing I didn't inherit my intelligence from her. Those flowers, they are dangerous, but not how she wants them."

"What do you mean?" I say amazed by the dazzling chandeliers hanging in regular intervals across the greenhouse roof, lighting it all up like a fairy garden. A light yellow stable glow resonates from sconce posts built at the top of the greenhouse roof.

She doesn't answer.

Pruned hedges line our way to the center, and winding flower and tree paths all around us, where a fountain towering taller than Fern, spouts crystal like water. 

"Enchanting isn't it?" She says taking the words out of my mouth, not even looking at me. She stares at her reflection in the water.

"Don't do that." I say with a twitching eye. 

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