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Year 2052: Earth's Greatest Heroes disappear

Year 2054: Lex Luthor's secret release

Year 2054: August, mass rebellion and anarchy peak worldwide

Year 2054: July, base materials for Operation Contingency and Survival acquired. August, manufacturing begins on the 10.

Catherine Kyle: Daughter of the Penguin and Catwoman is born.

Alenka Veravitsch: Dauther of the Riddler and Poison Ivy is born.

Alexander Curry: first born of Arthur Curry, Aquaman and Mera of Atlantis is born.

Richard Quinn: Son of The Joker and Harley Quinn is born.

Year 2056: 

Nora Stewart: Daughter of John Stewart Green Lantern and Sheira Sanders Hall, Hawkgirl is born. Twin, elder brother: Rokki Stewart is born.

Delia Quinn: Daughter of The Joker and Harley Quinn is born.

Year 2060:

Doyle and Audrey Kent: Fraternal Twins of Clark Kent and Lois Lane Kent are born.

Martha "Marti" Lara-lilian Wayne-Luthor: genetic offspring of Alexander Luthor, Clark Kent, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, and Bruce Wayne/Batman is born.

Five of these individuals were born of consensual means. Five of these individuals are known as successful experiments of Operation Contingency and Survival.  They are deemed Spawn.

They are known as the 10, the ones who will take over the mantles of the Classics, their predecessors in the Justice League that are declared officially deceased.

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