The Past: Part 1

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Being raised by Luthor all my life, it was strongly ingrained in me, that when you make a mess you clean it up. And that is what I am going to do.

I turn back to the crowd below on the field of Gotham Stadium. Those who took the moment to look at what had happened were struck down, mostly Slade's men, but also Fern, screaming at her severed vines streaming from her hair, and Delia shot in the shoulder. 

Another surge of energy burst through my being, and slowly from head to toe, the very veins in my body started to glow outward of gold and fire. It disappeared at the crown of my head where a little tinkle of light settled on my forehead. 

"A tiara?" Deadshot took the words right out of my head. 

This can only mean one thing, some of my powers are coming in. And the way I am feeling right now, I think I am going to have a bunch of fun cleaning up shop with these suckers below.

Against Deadshots orders, I drop over the railing, the ground almost cracking and shuddering below me as I land kneeling. I slowly look up and make my mark on Slade. In a blur with barely any effort but a breath, I weave through the ninja's and armed thugs, disarming them in seconds and land on top of Slade's shoulders. He is knocked to the ground, I punch his face, and his helmet cracks. I rip it off of him.

"Tell them to stop, or I end you!" I yell in his face. 

"Are you seeing this?" He screams. "Are you seeing this?" Somehow even I can hear the crackle of electricity in his ear piece and I noticed the revolving glint in his eyes. He is wearing Obs-shields. Contacts that record what you are seeing, and even allow the people on the other end to relay a video stream back to you.

"Stop.." Static. "Don't." Brief static. "Engage." 

"Don't engage huh?" I say. Slade's eyes widen in horror. My face just centimeters from him, where I can smell his musty, hot breath. "If you all didn't want to engage you shouldn't have started a war you couldn't finish." I say.

I punch Slade one more time, and he is out. Dead or out, I don't know. I don't care to check. I rip his ear piece off, and use a small throwing star to pry off the receiver cap enclosing the small antenna inside the device. I put it in my ear.

"Who am I speaking to?" I ask.

Silence and then a deep breath. "Now, darling that was impolite." Good, I can what they are sending much clearer. The receiver cap conceals all received transmissions from being broadcasted and received by all other local devices. I don't care if anyone else hears what is about to be said.

"Well if it isn't daddy dearest. Why don't you come down here yourself? Maybe we can really end this for good."

"Oh, now Marti." Luthor tisks on the other end. "You might think you have the upper hand, and you are partially right. Your full set of powers aren't triggered yet. And without them the fight between us still wouldn't be fair."

"Maybe, maybe not." I speculate. "Maybe you underestimated the power you gave me even in the smallest of abilities. Maybe you just say a lot so you don't have to admit the truth, that you are scared. A scared, old little bald man hiding in his tower above a city of slaves."

"Goodbye, Marti." 

The transmission cuts out with a spark from the device in my ear. Usually that would hurt someone, but it doesn't effect me. He sounded almost mournful.

"Well, we have a new birdie do we?" Selina says sauntering over.

"Back off feline. You'll get just as good as Slade got. Or worse." I growl, eyes narrowing.

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