Fight and Flight

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In a flash, Kara takes down four men. My Dad, no, Luthor, shoots his gun at her. It ricochet's off of her and hits me in the upper right arm. 

I am stunned for a second as everything flashes around me. Doyle and Audrey and Kara fighting the guards and the anti-League. Lois disarms Luthor and has him at gun point. Grandma grabs me and pulls me behind the desk far away from it all. 

I look at her and her lips are moving, her face is stretching her eyebrows and eyes in worry. It slowly comes back to me.

"Are you okay? Did you get hit anywhere else?" Gigi asks.

"No. No, I don't think so." I shake my head with a gulp of panic.

She takes off her sweater and applies pressure to my bleeding arm. 

"Get them out of here!" Aunt Lois yells.

In a flash I feel my bare feet on grass.  

I look around at the darkness and the street lights a little ways away. We are in Metro Park.

"We need to get you away from here." Grandma pleads. "You have to work with me."

She pulls me aside towards a car. "We parked it away from the building so he didn't see us give it to you. We were going to bring you here since he wouldn't let you leave the city. But he wouldn't even let you leave the building."

"My key." I say in a surprised whisper. I hold it up to her. 

Something gigantic and hairy lands behind us. Grogg!

She grabs it and presses the ignition button. It hums to life. The driver's side door opens and she forces me through into the passenger side. "Let's see if some of what Lois taught me about Crisis driving is useful." 

We zoom forward and through traffic. The ground beneath us rumbles and breaks as Grogg and his companions pursue us. I see a streaming red and black coming up on either side of us. They slow enough to see their faces. "Audrey and Doyle! They can fly?"

"Among other awesome things." Grandma says laughing. She looks at me as I sit back with my arms crossed. "Aw, come on now. You'll turn will come soon. Trust me." She pats my leg.

"Not soon enough." I say, pouting.


We arrive at Grandma's farm. 

The sun is just beginning to rise. The night has flown by like an insane torrent of wind. The corn fields glisten in the distance, the barn burns a light bright red in the sunrise. Everything that was sleeping has begun to awake.

"She can't stay here for long. We need to take her to Gotham." Doyle says sturnly.

"Gotham?" I yell in disbelief. 

"It is the only place he will not go himself. And, you will be safe there. Just a few of the old Injustice League are against him. The Joker, Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze and a few others included. They might not like you, but they will keep you. Better them keep you away from Luthor than let you roam on your own not safe." 

"But Gotham?"

"You'll be with them a little while, til we can get word to Alfred and Waller." Grandma assures me as she stares me in the eye intently. "Promise me you won't run off. Promise me you won't cause any trouble!" She yells shaking me by my shoulders.

"I promise!" I yell. 

Instead of yelling back at me or slapping me for disrespect, she hugs me tight. I take a comforting breath in of her vanilla and iris scented shampoo.

"Doyle, take her to him. Audrey, get Rich. Meet them in the Unders." 

They nod, and we disappear.

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