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"So is it because I am an outsider that I received the "call" or whatever pulled me here?"

"No, darling, it is because you have the blood of a fallen Greek God in your veins. She was the demi-god, born of Zeus in his last moments. Instead of her soul coming here to the Isle of the Blessed or any other realm of my underworld, she simply-" He makes an exploding gesture in his hands, and a poofing noise. "Rules are that a greek dies of any divine link, their souls come to me for ruling. She hasn't arrived. It has been 20 years that I have been trapped and sealed down here where not even an Amazon's soul has been sent. Tell me, who are you mysterious daughter and what is it like on the outside?" He asks leaning closer, eyebrows raising in curiousity.


"Hmmm... Interesting." He sings. "I think I happen to have a forgotten prophecy on these very shelves." He snaps his fingers and a flying creature, semi-demonic looking appears. The creature flies towards the shelves below and pulls out a massive book the size of a never starved fat man, and about as tall as me too. It heaves it up off the shelf, almost plunging into the flames below that encircle his suspended throne. He struggles to fly with the gargantuan book. A few other creatures zoom into help heave it up. They place it in Hades' hands.

"Come, child," he beckons forward. He descends the stairs, all the while turning normal sized, barely towering a few feet above me. 

He waves his hand and a table and chairs appear. We sit.

The book is almost as tall as my torso and as wide as his massive throne. The table, which I am surprised can even hold such a gargantuan book, wobbles underneath. Hades licks his fingers and grazes his hand on the cover of the book. 

"Take a closer look, child." He says, eyes glinting in the firelight.

On top is an atom like symbol. The embossing and engraving in the thick cover is glowing almost gold and blue simultaneously. The books atom symbol starts churning. 
"Do you see it?" He asks. I nod. "Good, good. This means you can touch this book." He takes my hand and gently places it on the binding. "Open it." He demands softly.

The pages seem to sing and scream all at once. Almost piercing my ear drums and lulling me to sleep. 

"That you will get used to, my sweet pet. This book is meant to be yours. To guide you." 

"Guide me?" I counter. "For what?" 

"For the job you were made for. I admit, I am not at all thrilled at peace. It bores me. However I have grown fond of it. No one complaining and trying to steal my helmet of Invisibility. No one trying to bargain, stiffing me with the bill so they can complete their unfinished business." He sasses in air quotes. 

"The job I was made for?" I ask.

"This book will tell you more than I ever could. However, no one but you can touch it once you leave here. This book will go where you go, and do what you tell it to. And as for me, all I ask is you remember me. Tell the others about me. If Hippolyta responds with a letter, which you will deliver, I will release the hold on the island, and let new life prosper. You will continue to visit me. I will train you in the forgotten Greek Magic, which you will use to point to me. Remind them of me. Of the Amazons, the Greek Way."

"And I get what?"

"Ah, a child after my own heart." He says with a mock bashful look and hand pressed against his heart and head as if he were to faint. "You get the power to do whatever you please. Revenge, righteousness. Whatever. Just know that Time will tell you what you can or cannot be."

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