Themyscira and a Goddess Afar

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Cyborg arranged for a ship to take us toward Greece. When we got close enough, they lowered me on a life raft, told me I had to "pierce the Viel myself."

From what little I do know about the greek gods and the Amazons, was that the last time they were involved in anything with our world, was when Steppenwolf sought the Motherbox to cleanse the earth and reform it for Darkseid. The Greek Gods died in the war with Ares, Zeus giving the last of his power to his creation, Diana Princess of the Amazons. She battled Ares in World War 1, had few other exploits abroad, not being able to return Paradise Island because of the one rule they had: Amazons must not leave. She was exiled. Her mother who loved her very much had exiled her. Exiled. 

She had nothing to do but to adapt, but she sought to bring goodness to the world. A demi-god amongst humans, warring and killing, stealing, raping, destroying. I heard she almost gave up.

"But she didn't." An invisible voice says again. 

I try to ignore, to make it my own. I know that it wasn't my voice or my thought. It wasn't me. I keep rowing, chopping through the mist and fog covered waves. 

"This Tiara itches." I say to myself. 

I am all alone.  "Take it off." The voice says. It is a whisper of wind, from deep inside. Masculine, but gentle. 

I shake my head, thinking I am hallucinating. Who knows if Amazon's can do magic, maybe this fog is some weird magic they can do. Or at least some of them, those who try to be Oracles and still try to light fires for the Fates at Hades gates. He is the only Greek God living. Or living dead? Whichever.

I stop rowing, and lay back. These waves are just undefeatable. They left me here in this dense fog, on an unbeatable sea, in a small wooden boat. IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. ALONE. 

I am tempted to just start rambling on to myself, but the eerie silence and echo of each movement made freaks me out. 

Just as I am about to just lay back and close my eyes and wait for them to figure out that I didn't make it and that I am trapped in this greek purgatory, the boat surges forwards, or backwards. Which ever way is the front, my back turned against it to row. 

In an instant, everything is bright, clear and sunny. And then I am twirled and pounded by merciless waters of a riptide pushing and pulling me in each way. I can see the boat being splintered and cracked on the hidden rocks beneath the waves and the corals scratch at me, breaking off as if metal hit glass.

For a moment I breach the surface, before another loop takes me under. I don't even get a breath. I feel calm, and oddly at peace in these twirling waters. Wasn't this what I was dealing with anyways? 

Uncertainty, betrayal, the world's emotions? My own too?

I stop fighting the water, and it glides me safely to shore. I try to stand up, but I am nauseous and wretching my already empty guts out. 

"Martha?" A voice says behind me from the water. 

I shake my hair as if I am a drenched golden retriever, water flying everywhere. I open my eyes, running my hands through my hair tangled and braided with seaweed and coral.

I can't believe my eyes. "Red hair, green eyes. Green suit. Mera." I think outloud.

"I'd greet you with a hug, but outsiders are not permitted on Themyscira Island."

"I am an outsider."

"An heir." She counters. "I must go, Arthur will notice my absence from Atlantas."

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