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Dan's POV-

"Daaan, it's movie night" Phil sings.

"Hooray!" I squeal, before plonking myself in front of the tv. Phil passes me a beer and put popcorn on the table.

"You realise movie night is every night for us" I mention.

"Hey, I'm going for an interview next week" he says defensively.

"Nice, I was looking at jobs and I might sign up for it" I ramble.

"I'd say go for it" Phil says. I smile at him.

"So what movie should we watch?" he asks, I look through our shit load of DVDs.

"Uuuh, Hunger Games?" I ask.

"Sure" he replies. We put the first dvd in and settle down to watch it. I turn the main light off so we're in romantic lamp light.

"You know, the Hunger Games makes me feel lucky we live in the world we do" he mentions. I reach for popcorn.

"How so?" I question.

"Well, the Hunger Games is a dystopian world where there is a prominent hierarchy. You're poor, you starve. You're rich, you literally make yourself throw up so you can have more food. We're just lucky we don't fully live in that world. Granted, at some point definitely the political people will take over and we'll live in a dictatorship world, but for now we don't have to worry about being elected to literally fight to the death" he explains. As I watch him ramble on about how he sees the world, I feel a warm feeling in my heart and suddenly I have a strong desire to take his face in my hands and kiss him. I stare at him, before he looks back at me. We hold eye contact for a while. His eyes are gorgeous. If you looked inside them, you could swim about as deep as you wished. His eyes are that hypnotising. When they shine in the subtle lamp light, you can clearly see all the shades of yellow, blues and greens that make them so breath taking. I feel like I could look into them for all time.

It's not until he shifts slightly that I realise we're sat on our couch, in our apartment, gazing into each other's eyes. My cheeks burn and his go a light shade of pink. I clear my throat.

"Yeah, I agree with your points" I say awkwardly, turning to face the tv.

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