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Dan's POV-

I finally get released from work and drive to Chrissie's nursery. I knock on the door and the people that work there lead me to where Chrissie is. She's 8 months now and she's only been going to nursery for one week. She's so cute, I don't understand how anyone could be so bloody cute. She's got a bit more hair now and we usually dress her in blouses and shorts and my mum got her these adorable little bows and she's been wearing those for a while. I get Chrissie is the car seat. She loves the car. Her little face lights up with glee and I have to stop myself from staring into the mirror to see her little face and focus on the road. I talk to her using my baby voice even though she doesn't understand what I'm saying. Her first word was 'yummy' because Phil and I always try and convince her broccoli is 'yummy yummy yummy!'.

We get home and I place her in her baby bouncer. She loves that thing, it's always easy to cook dinner whilst she's just bouncing around, laughing her head off. I'm about to get myself a snack, but I end up sweeping Christina out of her bouncer and doing the 'bouncy bouncy baby!' thing. I'm such a dad holy crap. After a while of playing with her, I hear the door open. Phil enters the kitchen and smiles at us.
"Hello! How's my gorgeous one? Oh and how are you, Dan?" He jokes. I scowl at him but it breaks into a smile when he kisses me on the lips.
"We're both fine." I tell him, handing Christina over. He kisses her on the head before sitting down and tickling her tummy. She giggles with her mainly toothless mouth apart from her first two teeth barely coming through. I sit next to them and join in on tickling her, enjoying her face of pure joy. God, I love her.
"How was work?" I ask Phil.
"Tiring, I'm glad I'm here with you guys now." He smiles warmly, holding Chrissie in one arm and reach out another so I can slide into it and kiss his cheek.
"I love you." I say. He rests his forehead against mine and smiles against my lips, which are pressed together.
"I love you too." He replies. I kiss his lips and rest my head on his shoulder.
"Dada." Chrissie laughs in her high pitched voice. We both coo at her. We don't know how Chrissie's going to define us from each other but I really don't mind. Being addressed as dad is scary but exciting, either way I'm here for it.
"Yummy... yummy... yummy..." She starts to chime. I giggle at her.
"That's right," Phil's voice goes higher. "Broccoli is yummy yummy yummy! You're having it tonight so you better appreciate it!" He giggles. As I watch them, Phil having a one-sided conversation and Christina looking confused, I realise something. Chrissie is mine and Phil's daughter and, we're all going to be ok, no matter what.

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