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Phil's POV-

Dan, when I first met you,
No, that's cheesy.
Dan, you mean a lot to me and if I hadn't met you,
That's crap. Ugh it's so hard to write good vows. I have the right mindset, just not the right damn words! I sigh. The wedding is much closer and I still don't have these darn vows down. I get a text.
Timmay- Phil we are going suit shopping at 2 it is decided, get your ass ready
I giggle at his message.
Me- Finee ok, I'll be there

"No that's just not right." Tim dismisses yet another suit.
"Tim what do you have in mind?" I ask, exasperated.
"Hmm, I know! It. Needs. Flowers!" He decides.
"Flowers?" I question. He nods and gets a red rose pin and fastens it into my hair. Along with my black blazer, it doesn't look bad.
"This is one of the most stereotypical gay things ever and it just goes with the theme." He gushes.
"Theme? Our wedding will not have a 'gay theme'." I shake my head.
"Maybe not for you." He shrugs. I tut at him. 

On the way home from the shop, I see a couple walking down the road, holding hands and laughing merrily. Sometimes I think I would love to be that loving in public with Dan, but right now I'm just so fucking lucky that I have Dan in my life. Without him I'd be lonely. He completes me, as cheesy as that sounds. I get home and open the door. 
"Hello Phil!" Dan sings. He comes to greet me and, instead of saying hello, I grab his hips and crash our lips together. He gasps before sinking into my arms and wrapping his arms around my neck. My insides turn to mush and I get that light feeling I only get with Dan. Our lips part and he holds my cheek.
"I love you." I state. He smiles brightly, not questioning the passionate kiss.
"I love you too." He rests his head against mine.
"Moving swiftly along, it's dinner time, what should we make?" I ask.
"Uh, Mac and cheese?" Dan suggests.
"Yum!" I exclaim, before we start to make it. Whilst it's cooking, Dan stirs. I decide to wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. He leans back into me and kisses my jaw. I kiss his cheek and he resumes stirring.

I still have to write those damn vows.

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