Home sweet home

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"Man that was probably the most uncomfortable plane I have ever been on." My brother Charlie spoke.

"I know right. I think my neck is dislocated." I joked as we were making our way out of the plane.

Charlie is probably one of the best siblings you could ask for. Considering we didn't get very well when we were younger, but ever since he moved back to Swellview to go to university here he's been probably the BBE (best brother ever). We are 5 years apart, so yeah. He's older.

"Man. I really miss this place." I say as I heavily breathe it's air.

"Yeah. Not much has changed honestly." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean nothing has changed? There's now two flipping super heroes! This town will probably be the safest." I nod my head as we continue walking.

"Yeah not really. It's more of a 'Super Hero' and 'Side Kick' type of thing." He said taking out his phone.

"Yeah whatever, same thing. Anyways are you going to call Uber?" I said taking out my own phone to check the time. Oh okay it's 6:22 PM.

"Yeah. When he'll get here you'll be able to see my apartment." He winked at me playfully.

"Ahh. Don't have too. I'm already getting my own dorm room." I winked back mockingly.

"What? Aww. I thought we would be roomies. I even prepared everything!" He raised his hands in the air.

"Sorry bro. I can see your apartment but I just won't be living there." I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah okay... oh! Uber's here! Grab your luggage and Let's a go!" He said pointing to a car.

"Hey before we head our separate ways can we check the town a bit?" I ask my brother as he puts all of our luggage's in the car's trunk.

"Sure why not? Hey while we explore wanna see our old house again?" He asked as he put the last bag in.

"Umm... is that even a question?" I say getting in the car.

"Yes. Yes it is." He said shutting the car door.

"Well obviously I wanna check the house. Doofus." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yeah you don't have to be so rude."


"I forgot how beautiful the town is at night." I say overwhelmed at the view in front of me.

"Yeah. Sometimes when I need some time to think this is were run off to." He chuckled.

"Yeah. I would do the same." I say smiling at my brother.

"So... how was the life in Canada?" My brother asked trying to create a conversation.

"It was good. We saw a bunch of old family members. We traveled from province to province. It was good." I sigh.

"Are you sure? You seem kind of down." My brother says touching my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say trying to put on a fake smile.

"Charpoo what's wrong?" He asked.

"It's just... I left so many friends again. On top of that I'll miss traveling on every summer break to different places. And, and I just hate moving!" I say hugging Charlie.

"It's ok. Charpoo it gets easier! Do you think I liked moving here by myself? Of course not! But at least you got some type of family here now. I've met so many friends the past 5 years I've been here." He says putting his chin on my head.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't usually act like this." I say getting off of him.

"It's ok. Hey let's head home. You can stay with me for tonight and... we'll get you to your dorm tomorrow?" My brother asked raising his shoulders.

"Yeah sure. It'll be nice." I say nodding my head.

"Ok. We can walk home since it's really not that far from where I live." He says smiling.

"Of course Mussier." I say in a French accent.

"Shut up." He grinned.

I turn around to face him as I say " I was just being polite." I shrugged my shoulders.

But as I turned around I accidentally bumped into someone. I tried to grab that persons shirt to try not to fall but that plan clearly failed cause that caused him to fall backwards making me fall on top of him.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." I apologized.

I looked up at him and OMG was he fine. I couldn't properly see him considering it was already past 10. I kindly smiled at him while on the inside I was freaking out.

I still realized we haven't moved from each other and he hadn't spoken a word. So I quickly get up and offer him a hand. He kindly accepts it and once he's up he just stares at me... not gonna lie. It was kind of uncomfortable.

"Once again. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall on you like that." I smiled at him putting a hand on his chest. Just by doing that I could tell that he works out cause gosh dang was his chest hard.

"Yeah. It's cool. Anyways... uhh. See you another time! Hopefully." He mumbled the last word. He quickly ran off leaving me wondering what the heck just happened?

"Well that was amusing." Charlie says as he laughs at me.

"Yeah, for you." I say dusting myself off.

"Hey at least it's a win win." He shrugged his shoulders.

"How?" I say finishing off.

"I got some good content. And you got to meet a hot guy." He says patting my back.

"But not gonna lie. I'm the only hot guy you need." He winked at me.

"Sure... Whatevs weirdo. Let's just go home. I'm tired." I say yawning.

"And plus I have my first day at school tomorrow so I better get my beauty sleep. Cause if not, nobody. Likes me without my beauty sleep." I say pointing at him.

"Is that so Miss. Page?" He joked.

"Yes it is. And plus I'm tired I just wanna sleep." I say yawning once more.

"Well you're in luck because my apartment building is right here!" He says making jazz hands at a Well looking building.

"Okay! Let's go in." I say carrying my bag.

We walk up the stairs and Charlie kindly opens the door for me. I thank him and enter the apartment building and Holey Moley was it amazing.

It had beautiful lights lighting up the place perfectly. A huge aquarium surrounding half of the lobby. And amazing furniture.

"Close your mouth Char. You don't want bacteria entering your mouth." My brother joked as he pointed to the elevator.

"I'm sorry but the expression is. 'You don't want flies in your mouth.'" I enter the elevator with my huge bags.

"Yeah but we were inside and I didn't see any flies so... I just went with that." He tapped my nose.

I just smiled at my older brothers actions and sighed.

"Thanks Charlie. For everything." I smiled at him.

"No prob sis. You know I would do anything for you." He smiled back at me.

"Yeah. I know."


So first/second chapter done! How'd you like it?

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