The Unexpected Father

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I heard yelling in all directions. Yelling this and yelling that.

I fluttered my eyes opened carefully as I remembered the events of last night. Or earlier today I should say? I don't even know what time it is.

I blinked a few more times as I let my eyes adjust to the sudden daylight. Once it did, my eyes opened and widen in shock. I found myself in what seemed like a giant plastic tube.

"Brayden what the heck is this!?" I heard a man yelling from behind me.

See what I mean about yelling?

I turned around ever so slightly to see Brayden talking to an older looking man that slightly resembled him. I squinted my eyes as he looked sorta familiar. The man was tall, in shape and had blonde hair similar to Brayden's.

"I told you already she heard our conversation and she's a threat!" Brayden yelled back. After that it was just back and forth with none stop arguing. I rolled my eyes until I heard my stomach grumble. I ignored it as I looked around more. It seemed as if I was at an old arcade factory. I'm not too sure. There was a huge ball pit in the middle of the room. As if children were suppose to come and play. I frowned taking a better look at what I was trapped in.

I tried separating my arms and pushing the walls to try and free myself but that was no use. I stopped panting as I made myself a silence prayer hoping anyone could come and find me.

Hoping HE would find me.

"Think about it Dad. If she's trapped here then we might gain Captain Man and Kid Dangers attention!" Brayden smiles lightly at his suppose to be "Dad". He looked down at his son skeptically before smirking. "Maybe... but you better hope it'll work because you know I don't like playing these type of stuff." He scoffed as Brayden automatically nodded his head smiling proudly. I watched his dad suddenly leave the room silently daring myself to not make a sound right before Brayden's head turned around and caught my gaze.

My eyes widen in shock as I quickly closed them again pretending to still be unconscious. "Oh Char, I already saw you." He mockingly smirked as I slowly opened my eyes in defeat and sighed.

"Look Charlotte I know this is a bit confusing but everything's gonna be okay? Alright?" He tried to "reassure" me but I could see through his lies. I scoffed and rolled my eyes still not saying a word. "Wow, look here Miss. Attitude." He paused as I slowly made eye contact with him. "If you want to move to a bigger room. All you have to do is ask." He replied shrugging as I looked at him skeptically.

A few seconds passed until he gave up and sighed. "Charlotte please, I just want to hear your voice. But I swear if you ask I will- Umm... get you to a more comfortable room if you want! Instead of this huge floating tube thing." He chuckled as I still kept a blank expression on my face. I raised an eyebrow before opening my mouth up to speak. His face instantly lit up.

I instantly closed it again and his face dropped causing me to chuckled slightly. I guess that was some sort of entertainment. "Your loss." He shrugged walking off. I scoffed and leaned against the rubber plastic.

Henry, where are you?

As if Brayden read my mind he instantly picked out a phone from one of his side pockets and smirked. I frowned before noticing it was MY PHONE. I patted my clothes checking all its pockets to be sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"How in the world did you get my phone!?" I yelled causing him to smile."look at that! Your first word!" He yelled sarcastically as I stared him down. "Sorry Char, but that sadly is personal information." He smirked causing me to look at him as if he were any crazier then he is now. "Oh. And don't worry about Henry. I don't think he'll ever know. I have great improv skills." He showed off slightly shacking my phone before replacing it into his pocket.

"So, are you just going to trap me in here or do you actually have any plans?" I asked as he looked at me a bit embarrassed. "Uhh... Yeah! Yeah! Totally. I'm just waiting for my Da- boss to come. And tell me what to do." He shrugged as I nodded my head "totally " believing the words that was coming out of his idiotic mouth.

I groaned as my stomach grumbles again. Brayden's eyes shot up and met mine. "You hungry?" He asked as I shook my head no. "You sure? I mean your saying yes, but your stomach is clearly saying no-

"I said I'm not hungry!" I yelled back causing him to quickly shut up. A few seconds of silence went by before I heard a knocking sound from beside me. I slowly turned around to be faced with a worried face Kid Danger.

My face quickly formed a smile as he pointed at Brayden indicating that I needed to distract him. I nodded my head as he quickly disappeared. "Uhh. Brayden you know what. I kinda am hungry to be honest." I spoke out randomly rubbing my growling stomach. He got up from his seat and sighed. "Okay I'll go get you some food. Brb." He winked before heading out.

Once the door shut and he was out of sight, Henry quickly jumped in front of me giving me the fright of my life. "Sorry." He whispered as he looked over to my tube and shook his head distractingly. "Henry, what's wrong?" I asked as I placed a hand on the glass wishing I was beside beside him. "Your asking me what's wrong? Look at you!" He whispered/shouted as I nodded understanding.

"I'm gonna get you outta here oka-

He didn't have time to finish his sentence as the same older man came bursting into the room. With Brayden next to him with a full tray of food. "Okay Char! So I got you some chicken wings with- Kid Danger!?" He immediately stopped as he faced my crime fighting side kick.

Henry immediately froze and turned around slowly. I could see the corner of his eyes widen a he looked at the two.


Drex? Who's Drex?



Looks like it's Daddy Drex to you Henry 😏 😏. Were you guys expecting this? Any-Ray...

1108 words

                                                                      -and I oop

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