A Different Confession

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"One large bowl of ice cream please." I commanded the auto snacker.

"One bowl of ice cream." It repeated after me. The machine closed and open to reveal a good looking bowl of vanilla ice cream. Sweet.

I quickly grabbed the bowl and picked it up as I walked to the man couch.

"Schwoz!?" I yelled from the other side.


"How long has Henry been gone!?"

"About an hour why!?"

"Should we be concerned!?"

"No... at least I don't think so!"

"Yeah your probably right!" I shrugged as I grabbed my first scoop of ice cream. "Mhmm. Yep this is it." I moaned smiling.

To tell you the truth. This is my 7th scoop of ice cream since I got down here. I promised Schwoz I wouldn't take anymore but I couldn't help myself. Ive got a big situation in my hands.



"Are you eating ice cream again!?"

"What!? No!" I lied as I took 2 more giant scoops.

"You promise!?"

"No..." I mumbled as Schwoz walked out the secret room holding his hips.

"Charlotte I told you no more ice cream!" He yelled in his crazy foreign accent.

"Well I can't help it Okay!? This comforts me." I admitted taking another scoop.

"Okay Charlotte. Give it to me." He commanded as he walked over to me.

"What no! Go away."

"Give me the ice cream!" He yelled as he grabbed the bowl while I was still holding on to it, causing us to have a battle over who will have the bowl.

"Just let go of the bowl, Charlotte!"


As I yelled, I heard the sound of what sounded like the tube opening. I decided to ignore it as I am in a battle with a foreign co worker.

I attempt to push the bowl closer to me but he pushed back.

"Guys what the butt is going on here?" I hear a deep familiar voice say behind me. Schwozs eyes instantly grew wide and caused him to let go of the bowl. Making me trip by the lack of missing weight causing the bowl to fly in the air.

My eyes followed it as it landed on top of Henry's or... Kid Dangers head.

"Aha! Look, the bowl of ice cream landed on Henry's head!" Ray beamed as he started laughing and pointed at Henry who was annoyingly wiping the ice cream off his forehead.

"I'm gonna go take a shower now." He pointed out as he took the bowl off his head and gave it to Ray. I watched quietly as he made his way to the back room.

Once he was out of sight I noticed his stack of gum placed on the counter. Oh he might want that! It'll be easier to take his clothes off I guess. I quickly grabbed it and made it to the back room and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"It's me. You forgot your tube of gum in the other room."

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