Let Me Explain!

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Oh gosh I'm toast, I'm toast. Im more than toast! I'm that toast that got too heated and burnt up so now nobody would want to eat me.

"Charlotte it's not what it looks like, I-

Before I could finish my sentence she shook her head and ran away.

"What's wrong with Charlotte?" Bianca asked gently as she looked up at me. I gently unwrapped my arms from hers and sighed out frustrated. I quickly kicked the nearest trash can out frustration causing it to tip and fall making all the trash fall everywhere.

From the corner of my eye I could see Jasper smirking as if he was trying his best not to laugh. So much of a "Friend" he is.

On the other side stands a confused Bianca as she looked at me concerned. "Bianca can I... talk to you privately please?"

"Of course!" She smiled innocently as I quickly grabbed her wrists and brought her to a gender neutral bathroom. "Can you tell me what's going on cause I'm sort of confused-

"Bianca I'm dating Charlotte." I said firmly as I stood there quietly waiting for her reaction. A couple seconds went by and she started laughing hysterically.

"Wait you're serious!?" She yelled as she stopped. I nod my head slowly as her face went from confused to sad real quick. "Henry I only left for the 7th season and you already have another GIRLFRIEND!?" She yelled as she pushed my shoulder.

"Bianca you said it yourself that we needed a break and that we could see other people! And I did exactly that!" I said loud but not too loud to exactly call it yelling.

"Yeah but I didn't think you'd get another girlfriend!"

"Well I didn't know that you wouldn't get another boyfriend!? Look I'm sorry B but I don't think we should exactly stay together..."

"Yeah no kidding Sherlock." She scoffed as she crossed her arms angrily.

"I hope you're not mad." I asked feeling slightly guilty.

"Of course I'm mad! But... I'll be ok." She sighed as she leaned over the wall.

"I'm sorry did I hear you correctly? You said that you're-

"Okay? Yes cause I will be. I understand. Charlotte's a cool person. Heck I wanted to be friends the first minute I started talking to her." She chuckled rolling her eyes. "Now go get em tiger." She smiled as she punched my left shoulder playfully.

"Wait seriously?"

"Yeah... now go go go!" She yelled as she started pushing me out. I quickly turned around and smiled. "Thanks B."

"No problem. Now go follow her quick!"

"Right! Sorry!" I chuckled nervously as I turned around and ran to the direction that Charlotte ran too.

I've got to get my girl back.


Okay, I've literally searched everywhere in Sellview but I still can't find Char, I'm starting to get worried. I searched our Dorm room. No luck.

Junk N' Stuff. No luck

The Man Cave. Obviously not there.

Swellview Park. She wasn't there.

I even went to Charlie's place and she wasn't there!

I called her a million times but she won't answer. And when I text her she only reads them but never responds. What am I gonna do!?

Wait... Twitflash! I forgot If she left her locations on I can technically tell where she is. I quickly grabbed my phone out and opened it up eagerly. I quickly went on the app and typed in her name. I forgot I followed her so I didn't need to do all that. Me and my dumb butt.

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