We're Together!

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Charlotte and I were alone in the man cave trying to figure out the theory behind the disappearing diapers. Every store in Swellview were running out of them and no parents could buy some anymore, and the parents were getting... 'creative'. I saw one parent today with their kid in a trash bin and another dad with their baby in a.. well you wouldn't want to know.

"Okay, so I was thinking maybe the Toddler has something to do with these disappearing diapers. I mean it's the only possible villain to be doing this, right?" Charlotte explained as she continued to do research on the monitors.

"Mhmm." I hummed distractingly.

"So we have to be on the look out and pay attention to any suspicious looking people. Mostly we just have to focus I guess." She shrugged and scoffed.

"You know what I'm focusing on?" I said with my voice all raspy as I smirked looking down at her.

"What?" She asked playing dumb as she looked away from the monitors.

"Your lips." I leaned in as she did the same. Once our lips touched I smiled at the kiss as I bit her bottom lip gently and carefully. I sneaked my tongue in causing her to moan. I swear I could do this all day.

"Woah Daddy!" We heard a voice say behind us. Charlotte and I quickly pulled away embarrassed. I was also blushing, hard.

"Well. Looks like things worked out for the both of you." Ray smirked as he looked at the both of us. "Ha! Ray you have to pay me 10 bucks!" Schwoz beamed as he made a weird happy dance.

"Wait you guys bet on us!?" Charlotte and I yelled simultaneously.

"Duhh." Schwoz rolled his eyes as if it were obvious. "Ray and I made a bet that you two would get together by the end of the month. Ray said you wouldn't get together and I said the opposite and clearly, I was right." He smiled as Ray groaned and gave him the money.

"So... how long have you two been together?" Ray asked as he walked over to the man couch.

"About 3 days." I answered quietly as I sat down on the monitor table next to Charlotte.

"Ahh it feels good to have my money." Schwoz smiled as he sniffed his 10 dollars

"Chill dude. It's just 10 dollars. It's not like it's 100 or something." I chuckled at his craziness.

"Whatever. You guys are just jealous-

"Hey guys? What is Jasper and Brayden doing upstairs?" Charlotte asked. I followed her eyes and on the monitor screen it showed Brayden and Jasper laughing their butts off.

"Henry, Charlotte go tell Jasper to leave please." Ray sighed out frustrated.

"Why? Why, can't Henry just go? I'm trying to figure out more stuff about the diaper situation and I really don't have the time so-


"Okay, okay I'll go. Jeez." She sighed rolling her eyes as she got up from her seat angrily. I watched quietly as she made her way to the elevator door. We all know not to mess with an angry Charlotte.

"Well come on Henry! I don't got all day!" She yelled as she pressed the elevator button. I got off the counter and ran in beside her. I pressed the up button and finally the elevator door closed.

A few seconds passed before Charlotte turned around and looked at me. "Henry promise me one thing." Charlotte sighed.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Don't kill anyone, please."

I looked at her confused until I finally catched on to what she was referring to. "No promises. You know I don't like the guy."

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