Meet Jasper

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I feel like a jerk right now a straight up jerk.

Charlotte is going to hate me! This 'little' robbery turned out to be a flipping world war 3. Charlotte and I arrived at the man cave at 4 something PM and  now it's almost 9.

She's gonna be so mad at me...

I put in my room key and slowly turn the door knob. Once I finally opened the door the first thing I see is a sleeping Charlotte on the couch.

I smiled to myself as I walked closer to her now able to hear her softly snoring. She looks so peaceful in her sleep.

She must be uncomfortable on that couch though. I'll just bring her to her bed.

I pick her up bridal style and slowly carry her to her bedroom. Thank god the door was already opened or I would've been toast! I slowly lay her down on the bed and cover her with the blanket.

I smile once more as I see her now molding into the bed. I swear I could look at her sleep all night if I had too... but that'll be extremely creepy and I have things to do tomorrow so maybe not.

I sighed and closed the door as I walked out the bedroom. I enter my own little room and put on my pjs.

I laid down on my bed as I was scrolling threw Snippick.

(A/N idk how it's spelled 🤷‍♀️)

I mentally slapped myself on the forehead as I realized that I forgot to ask for Charlotte's phone number... I guess I'll just have to wait for tomorrow.

Wait. Maybe I can find Charlotte on tweetflash or Snippick.

I typed in 'Charlotte Page' and guess what? There she is! I went on her page and saw her newest post. It was a picture of us from when we were younger and one we took this afternoon. I scrolled down to see that she tagged me. Wait what?

I go on my notifications and see that she didn't only tag me but she also followed me. It just made me feel even more guilty. I guess that's what she's been doing the whole time I was on my mission. 

I'm surprised she even followed me. I haven't post anything in like 4 months. I shrugged it off as I was now stalking her web page. There was another post of an amazing view of what I'm guessing is Swellview cause I could recognize half of the buildings.

There was another picture of her brother on what I'm guessing is a plane? He was sleeping and drooling. Gross. But funny. I liked it and stalked her page once more before drifting off to sleep.



I slowly sit down on my bed turning off my alarm... Wait wait wait. Did I just say turning off my alarm? Usually I'd beat the living electricity out of an alarm clock. I guess I got a good night sleep?

I stand up and stretched as I head out my bedroom. I scratched the back of my head as I enter the mini kitchenette.

Thank goodness my mom is so overprotective or else I would've been dying of hunger.

I grabbed myself a bowl and picked out the cereal from the kitchen drawer. I grabbed the milk from the mini fridge and poured it in before putting my cereal.

"Umm... Excuse me? Did you just do what I think you did?" I heard a soft voice say behind me. I turn around to see a shocked Charlotte.

"Do what?" I say with my mouth full.

"Did you just pour the milk in BEFORE THE CEREAL?" She says getting closer to me.

"Yeah..." I say slowly still not understanding her point.

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