A Night to Remember

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I looked at myself one last time before exiting out of Jasper's bathroom. Charlotte and I agreed not to be in the same room while we got ourselves ready. At least I agreed cause she was the one who came up with that idea. Weird.

"So.. Henry? Did you tell Charlotte how you feel yet?" Jasper asks as he got up from his bed.

"No.. not yet. But I will- I will soon." I sighed as I crashed on the bed beside him.

"Dude you have to tell her at the party." Jasper pleaded. I could tell he was now standing up cause the bed slightly rose beside me.

"Urrggghhh. Dude it's not that easy-

"How? All you do is say 'Hey Charlotte! I like you a lot and I would like it if you go out on a date with me?' See? Not that complicated right?" 

"It really isn't that simple Jasper." I sighed slightly annoyed.

"It is simple, you just make it seem harder." He shrugged simply as I groaned.  "Stop groaning and tell her already like dang."

"Why do you want me to tell her so bad?" I asked as I sat down on the bed.

Jasper slowly walked up to me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Well firstly bro, I care about you." He gently smiled. "And also because I'm sick of you asking me for girl advice like dang." He scoffed.

"Hey, aren't you the one who clearly said 'the next time I see you remind me to give you dating advice' or something?"

"No.. I said I'll give you advice on how to talk to girls. This is different." He said motioning to the two of us.

"Yeah yeah whatever." "Are you coming to Jessica's party?" I asked tying to change the subject.

"Nah. I heard it was royalty themed and you know I don't like that preppy stuff." He simply shrugged.

"Wait, royalty? Nobody told me that!"

"Maybe because Jess was to busy flirting with you." Jasper said as he smirked.

"Would you quit that." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on the chick has been legit obsessed with you since 9th grade."

"Shut up. I don't even like her that way-

I got interrupted by my phone buzzing right beside me. I grabbed it and checked my screen to see a text from Charlotte.

"Oh I gotta go. Charlotte's ready for the party." I chuckled as I realized it rhymed.

"Okay! Have fun! But not to much fun!" He yelled as I ignored him.

I quickly shut the door behind me and started making my way to my dorm room.

Okay Henry, you already saw the dress so you don't have to freak out when you see her in it. But if I made a huge understatement and she looks like a goddess, which she will. Don't. Zone. Out.

I made deep breaths as I finally arrived. I slowly raised my hand up to knock on it but before I could even touch the door. It swung open revealing the most gorgeous girl in the world.

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