The Secret Gets Out

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I was drifting off to sleep in the elevator considering it was already past 3 in the morning. I still feel bad for leaving Charlotte all alone at the bridge. She must think I'm a jerk now. But it was important. I had to go help Ray fight some criminals at a syrup factory!

I sighed as the elevator door opened and walked out. I pulled out my key and slowly opened the door trying not to make any sound. If Charlotte finds out I'm sneaking in our dorm room she would've asked a million questions about everything. And I swear id be toast.

I quickly but quietly enter the dorm room and close the door. Everything is dark which is good. Meaning that Charlotte might be sleeping... oh who am I kidding of course she's sleeping!

As soon as I try to head to my room the living room lights came on that caused me to jump.

"Your home late." As soon as I turn around I see Charlotte leaning on the wall next to the light switch.

Oh jeez...

"Charlotte? Hey- Hey why are you up so late on a school night?" I asked chuckling nervously as I slowly backed away to enter my room.

"Cause I'm suspicious." She says slowly as she followed me.

"What? Wh- What would you be suspicious of?" I shrugged my shoulders lightly as I dropped my bag on my bed. I know dang right if I keep this up something bad might happen.

"Why are you just coming back home at-" she paused looking at my alarm clock. "At 4:57 in the morning?" She crossed her arms with an eyebrow raised. "Why, did you leave so suddenly with your 'boss'." She put in air quotes.

" And why!? Do you look like a sweaty mess!?" She pointed at me confused as she closed the door behind her.

"Slow down! Slow down! One question at a time! Jeez this ain't no red carpet." I sassed getting up as Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Boy I know darn well your not talking to me like that." She continued to cross her arms.

Uh oh...

"I'm sorr-" "Just tell me where you were then." She rolled her eyes as she cut me off. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

"I was...- have I ever told you I like your new shirt?" I chuckled lightly trying to change the subject. Which clearly did not work...

" Henry I-" she paused and stepped closer to me sniffing my hair. I looked at her weirdly as she was making her thinking face which was so stinking cute. Her nose was all scrunched up and her eyes were closed b- okay I'm getting of track here!

"Why'd you sniff my hair?" I asked confused but slowly trying to think of all the possible reasons.

" Interesting..." Charlotte nodded her head impressed totally ignoring my question as she backed up from me now sitting on my desk table.

"What's interesting?" I asked as she sighed and opened her mouth once more.

"Well... I heard that 'Captain Man' and 'Kid Danger' saved a few people from criminals at a syrup factory later tonight around the same time you and your 'boss' left me for some 'emergency' at your 'work'" she said sarcastically putting in a lot of air quotes.

I tried opening my mouth to see if anything would come out but instead I just looked like a fish by the way my mouth was opening and closing rapidly. She must think I'm such an idiot. I tried looking at everything else but Charlotte for fear of EVERYTHING.

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