You'll See

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I was fuming. As I stomped out of Junk N Stuff ready to find that jerk called "Brayden". I knew it was a bad idea to leave Charlotte with him but she never listens to me! I try to warn her but she's always like "Ahh its always good to forgive Henry. Forgive, forgive, forgive blah blah blah."

I mean yeah! It is good to forgive. But not the person who caused you pain whole throughout high school. I mean, yeah I was Kid Danger and I wanted to do something about it but Ray kept telling me to keep a low profile. I guess that's why I never really talked much or had a lot of friends back then. I had so much things going on and it was hard for a teenager like me. But now.. I guess I have Charlotte back and everything's changed, she's made me who I am supposed to be. She made me better...

Wait! im getting myself distracted here, I'm suppose to be focusing on Brayden. And I have to find him before Charlotte catches me.

As I made my way back to campus I started regretting leaving the blaster in the man cave. I guess it's going to be a man to man fight. And he's gonna know not to mess with me anymore. As I arrived I angrily opened the door and the students that were walking by looked at me slightly scared. I didn't care about all the attention and continued my way to the elevators. I abruptly pushed the elevator button and waited about 3 seconds before it finally opened. I stepped in and pressed the 4th floor.

You wonder how I know Brayden's Dorm room?

Because he doesn't know the word called "Privacy" on his social medias.

I grinned as I started thinking all the nasty stuff I could do to him. Charlotte's out of my way so ain't got nothing to worry about... I think. Wait, what am I saying of course I don't!

I'm gonna kick him in the gut like he use to always do and laugh in his face. Spit on him, insult him, and threaten him. Like he use to do on a daily to me. See ladies. It's the cute guys that always have the deepest of secrets.

I sighed out happily once the elevator dinged and started to open. Once it fully opened I shrieked at the first thing I saw.

"Charlotte? W-what are you doing here?" I asked as I got out the elevator. "And how in the world did you arrive here before me?" I continued right before she grabbed my wrists and yanked me to the corner of a hallway.

"Okay first of all, OW!" I yelled right before she put her finger on my lips and shushed me.

"See, you're not the only one with secrets too hey Hart?" she smirked before nudging my shoulder. "Look. I know you came here to 'Kill Brayden', But I don't think that's a very good idea."

I groaned and rollled my eyes as I was about to give her a full ass speech.

"Charlotte, I know you don't want me to kill him but can I at least hurt him for even touching you? Cause I told you I won't let any man-

"I know Henry, I know. But hey. I have a better idea." she explained as she started chuckling mysteviously.

"Okay... what is it?" I exclaimed slitghtly curious as she stopped.

"You realize that Brayden doesn't know that we talked it out right?" she started as I hummed in response. "Okay... so I was thinking I'd pretend you and I broke up right in front of him...-

"That's not a good idea." I interrupted her.

"Why not?"

"Cause if I'm 5 feet too close to him." I paused as I leaned in to get close to her ear. "I will strangle him." I whispered.

She quickly pushed me off as I smirked. "You're such a baby." She teased as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but I'm your baby alright."I teased as I nudged her shoulders.

"Whatever. Since your such a baby..." she paused as she started rubbing her chin. I smiled to myself as I watched my girl in action.

It's crazy to think I've liked her since I was 8 and were only NOW dating huh? 10 long years later. We got separated from each other but here we are! Two old childhood friends. I guess they really aren't lying when they say it's a small world either.

"Okay! I have ANOTHER plan." "What about I go to his dorm room, crying. And tell him we broke up and I fell in love with HIM instead huh?" She smiled as I looked at her as if she were crazy.

"Hell no."

"Oh come on Henry! You didn't even let me finish my plan." She whined.

"Yeah cause I'm not loving it Char!"

"Henry this isn't McDonald's. Just let me do what I have to do please! And then you could do whatever the world you want." She asked a bit too sweetly as I bit my bottom lip unsure.

I breathed out annoyed and rolled my eyes. "Fine you can. But what is that even gonna solve anyways?" I asked as she grinned widely.

"You'll see."

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