Tell Me I'm Crazy

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I looked behind me every 5 seconds to make sure  Henry wasn't following me. I swear I couldn't look at him for another second or I would've exploded.

I was near the elevators when I accidentally bumped into someone causing me too fall on the ground.

"Maybe you should watch where your- Charlotte?" I looked up to see who was calling my name and to my surprise it was the one and only Brayden.

When I thought my morning couldn't get any worse.

He handed me a hand but I completely ignored it as I got up myself.

"Charlotte look, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday I really didn't mean to offend you." He protested.

"Brayden can we talk about this another time, cause right now is not the time." I say sternly as I looked behind me once again.

"Wait, are you saying there might be a chance?" He looked at me semi confused.

"I don't know okay? Now move!" I yelled as I pushed him out the way and entered an opening elevator. I quickly pressed the main lobby and waited...


"Come on Charlie answer the dang door already." I whispered to myself desperately.

I waited for about 20 - 30 seconds before the door finally opened.

"Charlotte? Why are you here so early in the morning?" He yawned.

"Cause I need you to laugh at my face and tell me I'm crazy." I say distractingly as I entered his apartment.

"Well come in." He joked sarcastically as he shut the door behind him.

"Okay. I'm about to tell you something crazy, and I need you to explain to me why I'm a maniac for thinking about this and tell me different reasons as to why I shouldn't be feeling this way." I say seriously as I got a closer to him

"Char... your scaring me..." he replied as he backed up. "But umm... what do you want to say?"

I breathed in heavily before answering. "I-I think I like Henry."

"As in... crushy type of way?" He asked as he looked at me confused and concerned.

"Yeah..." I whispered slowly.

Charlie looked at me with a huge smirk on his face before grinning. "Well it's about dang time! Jeez."

"What do you mean it's about time? This is bad!" I yelled.

"Okay. Tell me 5 reasons why you think this is bad." Charlie asked as he crossed his arms looking at me waiting for my answers.

"Well umm... first. He's my best friend." I paused. "Second... he's- well he's Henry Hart for goodness sake!"

"Okay? So?" 

"So... I don't know? I guess I'm just afraid of rejection." I sighed as I threw myself on the couch. I looked up to see Charlie looking at me as if I were crazy. What's up with people giving me that look lately, jeez.

"Seriously Charlotte? Rejection?" He scoffed.

"Well yeah, who isn't afraid of getting rejected?" I chuckled awkwardly.

Charlie breathed in heavily before he opened his mouth. "Charlotte, that boy is clearly-

"Yeah, yeah I know what your gonna say 'he's already head over heels for me or whatever'" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. So clearly your confused about all of this." Charlie pointed out.

"Yeah no kidding, Sherlock."

"Tell me stuff about Henry that makes you 'think' you have a crush on him." He sighed as he sat down next to me.

"Well... first of all there's no point of hiding that he's like super hot." I chuckled as Charlie nodded. "He's  also super sweet, funny, understanding and he just gets me. He knows exactly what to say to make me feel better and that's hard to find nowadays." I shrugged, I looked back up at Charlie to realize his face was making a huge grin and you could say that in some angles, he kinda looked like the Cheshire Cat.

"Stop. Don't look at me like that I know exactly what your gonna say and do." I complained.

He started making a weird high pitched voice as he started to poke me everywhere. "Charlotte is in loovvveeee." He teased as he continued poking me.

"Okay... Charlie first of all. Remove your fingers away from me or I'll bite your hand off." I threatened. Thank god I said that cause it worked. "And second slow your role there. Love is a strong word."

"You're right, I'm sorry." He apologized. "So are you gonna tell him how you feel?"

"No way hozay. At least not until I know 100% how I feel, then no." I sighed.

"Okay... so what are you gonna do in the meantime?"

"Obviously, I'm going to avoid him at all costs." I answered proudly.

"Wait, don't you have that party your going to this Saturday?" He reminded me.

"Oh my god I completely forgot! I have to call him and tell him it's over." I panicked as I grabbed my phone. I started dialling his number but my phone quickly got snatched away.

"No way! You're going to that party with Henry rather you like it or not!" He explained sternly.

"But Charlieeeee-

"No excuses."

"I don't want to-

"You have to." He cocked at me as we both got up.

"I hate you."

"Love you too!" He paused as he smiled. "Now get out my house."

"Well that's something you hear from your brother daily." I joked sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"I planned today to be a lazy day now you already interrupted me. Now leave." He said as he gave me my phone back as he pushed me out the door.

"So your just going to le-

"Byeeeee!!" He yelled as he slammed the door in my face.

Pfft. Brothers.

But he's right though. I shouldn't let what 'feelings' I think I have come between us. I'm gonna treat myself and buy a dress just for the party!

I quietly but slowly opened the front door trying not to make too many noise. I know it's still day time but I really didn't want to grab Henry's attention.

Speaking of Henry. I have to go to work in several minutes, dang it. I entered the dorm and quietly shut the door.

"How was 'Sunday school'." I heard a deep familiar voice say behind me. I turned around and realized it was Henry on the couch eating some popcorn.

"Hey... Henry. Aren't you suppose to be at work?" I asked chuckling nervously.

"Nope. I'm good for the next hour." He shrugged pausing the TV. "What's that bag you got?" He asked pointing at it.

"Oh... it's just a bag that someone gave me." I chuckled again as I tried to hide the name of the mall on the bag.

"It says Swellview mall on it." He paused. "Char, did you walk all the way to Swellview mall?"


"Dang that's a pretty long distance." He smiled as he got up. "Feel free to use my car anytime." He winked walking past me to enter his bedroom.

Henry. What are you doing to me?

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