Group Project

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"Alright class! Settle down, settle down."

"Umm... sir not to be rude or anything, but everyone is already sitting." Brayden spoke causing me to lightly chuckle as our teacher rolled his eyes.

"Okay class, for the next week you're all going to be working in a group for a group project."

As he said that the whole class started smiling and screaming in excitement. "Finally! I've always wanted to be in a group project, I wonder wh-

"Of 2." He continued smiling.

The whole class instantly got filled with groans and silence.

"Umm.. sorry to rain on your parade prof but... I don't exactly think that 2 people is exactly a 'group' project you know what I mean?" Brayden spoke out as I hit him on the the shoulder.

"Ow? Charlotte?"

"I'm sorry but that is no way to talk to a teacher. You're going to get yourself in trouble."

"Aww. Does somebody care about me?" He asked in an annoying baby voice.

"Yes cause you are my friend. Now shut up and listen." I scoffed a I turned my head to look at the talking grandpa.

"Okay... so I picked your partners and-

"Woah woah wait! You picked out partners? Aren't we old enough to decide who we want to be with?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Looks like the tables have turned Miss Page." Brayden whispered.

"Shut up. This is important."

"You know I would let you guys pick your own partners." The teacher paused as the whole class started getting excited. "If I trusted y'all." Once again the whole class groaned as I threw myself even further down the chair groaning and rolling my eyes. "Now I'm going to tell you your partners before explaining what you have to do in this project."

"I just hope that I get paired up with someone good." I spoke.

"I bet it's gonna be me." Brayden smirked as he crossed his arms looking back at the teacher.

"Oh yeah? How can you be so sure?"

"Instincts." He shrugged "Wanna bet? 20 dollars." He asked as he took out his hand.

"Boy I don't have that kind of money." I scoffed.

"Don't you have a job?"

"Yeah. A job that'll pay me enough to buy a snickers bar." I joked as he started chuckling.

"Okay, first is Ernie and Marissa."

"Jacob and Hannah"

"Charlotte and Amy"

"Ha! Looks like we're not together-

Before I could finish my sentence Jasper bashed in the room panting and looking all sweaty. Did he run here? And I never even knew he was in this class!

"Sorry! Sorry I'm late. If you need an explanation, ask that guy!" He yelled as he pointed straight to Brayden's face.

"It's okay. Just sit down. Life is too short to care about who's late anyways." Our teacher shrugged as he pointed to a seat for Jasper to sit.

"Yeah, and it looks like you're late to your funeral." Brayden whispered as I tried my best not to burst out laughing.

"Okay since you are here Mr. Dunlop I'm going to pair you up with Amy. And Charlotte you can go with Brayden." Our teacher smirked as he kept looking at his peace of paper.

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