Hangout Disaster

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I was waiting outside leaning on a wall waiting for Brayden to come and get me. He was already 5 minutes late but I'm not gonna think to much of it.

I waited a couple more minutes before I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around only to realize it was only Jasper smiling at me.

"Oh hey Jasper!" I sighed out annoyed as I looked back at my phone to check the time. Dang, 4: 12 PM.

"Well you look happy to see me and not some mysterious murder." He joked chuckling to himself.

"No! I'm sorry. I'm just suppose to be meeting someone but that person is 12 minutes late." I explained as I sighed once again.

"Well I'm sorry that happened. You know if you wa-

"Hey! Char!" I heard a familiar voice calling me. I turned around slowly only to be met with a pair of green eyes.

"Brayden, your late." I say unimpressed as I hid my phone in my back pocket.

"Yeah I know I'm so sorry about that." He chuckled out nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Charlotte your going out with Brayden!?" Jasper yelled at me shocked. Dang, what's everybody's problem with Brayden?

"Uhh. Yeah! But it's not really going out- going out. Just a friends thing." I corrected him.

"Yeah, 'just a friends thing' my as-

"Are we gonna go now? I'm getting hungry." Brayden   talked out impatiently interrupting Jasper.

"Ohh! Yeah! Are we gonna go to a restaurant?" I asked as he placed an arm around my shoulders and we started walking to his car.

"Yeah something like that I guess." He smiled as he got in. I looked behind me to look at Jasper looking at me like I'm a crazy person. I waved awkwardly before entering and closed the car door.

Is Brayden hiding something from me?

We started driving in silence before I opened my mouth to start a conversation.

"So... umm... you like what I'm wearing? I usually don't dress up like this, but only for special occasions." I chuckled as I looked at him.

"Uhh. Yeah sure it's cool." He shrugged as he continued to drive.

"Okay then..." I nodded awkwardly before grabbing my phone. "So. Where are we going?" I asked smiling back at him.

"We. Are going to a restaurant." He smirked as he looked back at me.

"Well yeah I know that! But what restaurant?" I asked slightly nudging his shoulder playfully.

"Look where right here. Look over there." He replied pointing outside. I followed his finger but all I could see was a McDonald's.

"All I see is McD's dude. Is it hidden or something?" I joked waiting for his answer. He still had the smirk on his face as we got closer.

"Yeah that's it. We're going to McDonalds!" He smiled making a Jazz hand with one hand.

"You have got to be kidding right?" I asked less then impressed.

"No? I'm serious." He says innocently as he stared to explore the parking lot.

"A McDonald's Brayden?"

"Yeah! Come on it's gonna be great!" He says trying to cheer me up as he found somewhere to park.

"But dude! I dressed up so nicely just to go at a McDonald's?" I complained as I got out the car.

"Oh come on. Don't you like it? Aren't you excited to be here?"

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