Chapter 10. Happy reunion

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"Where do you think you are going?" Mayank put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

"To class? That's what our parents pay fees for."

He ignored my taunt. Everyone wasn't Dean's offspring. We had to attend every class if we didn't want to fail.

"Follow me," he said and motioned with his hand as he started walking forward. I just stood there and stared at his back. When he didn't hear me following him, he turned around and sighed.

"Will you just come? You are embarrassing me. You have to follow when I say follow me. You are ruining my image," he complained and looked at the students who were looking at us.

"I am not a dog. You have to first mention the subject and why should I follow you?" I asked.

He grabbed my arm and started walking. I kept asking him where he was taking me but he didn't reply.

"Why is she here?" Rajeev asked as Mayank and I reached their classroom.

"He kidnapped me," I accused.

Rajeev frowned and looked at Mayank who was busy taking out some books and papers from his bag. He gave me a bundle of papers and told me to go through it. Question papers?

"What do I do with this?" I asked as I waved the papers in air. Mayank gave me the books and made me take a seat. He took out a stopwatch and handed me a pen.

"Why are you making me solve a question paper right now?" I asked him and looked at Rajeev. He also had no idea. I started to get up but Mayank pushed me back.

"Solve this paper and if you get stuck, then you can refer to the books beside you. You have about one hour to solve it but it will be greatly appreciated if you finished it before time. OK, let's not waste more time and begin." He clapped his hands and started the stopwatch. I blinked.

What?! I wasn't told about a surprise test. And why only me?! Most importantly, why was Mayank conducting it?

"The time has already started you know. The clock is ticking," Mayank informed and my hands moved on their own. Muscle memory I guess.

I grabbed the question paper and started reading. I began solving the questions. They were quite easy. I could hear Rajeev ask Mayank about what he was planning but he just told him to keep quiet.

Why was I here in 2nd year class, solving a paper given by Mayank who was not willing to tell me why the hell I was doing this?

"Mayank bhaiyya, are you coming to my house tod-" Mayank cut off Ved who had came in just now. Mayank motioned him to keep quiet. I would have escaped from here if he wasn't standing guard at the door.


I checked my phone. Surbhi had messaged me asking me where I was. I started typing but Mayank snatched my phone away. I scowled at him but he motioned towards the stopwatch. I got back to work.

"What is she doing here?" Ved asked irritatingly.

"I don't know and this idiot here isn't telling either," Rajeev replied.

"I came here to ask you if you are coming to my house this weekend," Ved said.

"Sure. We will be there," Mayank replied.

"Kid, you wanna tag along?" I heard Rajeev address me. I looked up blankly. They were disturbing me and why would I go to Ved's house? I was not his friend. I didn't want to. Never. Never ever. Rajeev asked me again and I glanced at Ved.

He was staring at me, daring me to say yes. I shook my head and his lips curled into a lopsided smile.

"Why not?" Rajeev prodded. I told him I had other plans. He looked disappointed but let it go. They continued chatting in low whispers while I continued solving problems.

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