Chapter 33. Two Minutes Crush

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"Jahnvi, if you won't come out within five minutes, we will leave without you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Coming!" she yelled as she ran down the stairs while slipping on her heels. I took a good look at her.

She was wearing a light pink churidaar which complimented her pale complexion really well. She had kept her makeup to the minimum but her eyes were a sight to see; enhanced by the mascara she had applied. She ran a hand on her silky brown hair and adjusted her dupatta.

 She ran a hand on her silky brown hair and adjusted her dupatta

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( Jahnvi's outfit👆)

"We are not going to fix your marriage. Why are you dressed like that?" I teased and wiggled my eyebrows.

"You don't get to complain. Look at you. Dressed like a hobo."

I pressed my knuckles on either side of her head and she called mom for help. She was acting like she had never been to someone's house before. If Nikhil's mom hadn't invited my relatives also, I would have left her here to sulk. After ten minutes, we all left for Nikhil's house.


I pressed the doorbell as we reached his home. After few seconds, Nikhil's mom opened the door. She greeted all of us and Jahnvi instantly bent down to touch her feet. I widened my eyes at her and she smirked in return. She was upto something.

Nikhil's mom praised her and she glowed like a lightbulb. By the way she was acting, I was sure she would leave after holding her marriage reception today. I nudged her and she winked at me. Her eyes roamed around the house while everyone got comfortable.

"Nikhil isn't home?" I asked and aunty let out a huge sigh.

Jahnvi's face fell when aunty shook her head and plastered a fake smile on her face. Jahnvi pouted and went to sit with others. Nikhil's dad was entertaining them so I decided to help aunty in bringing out the dishes.

I went in the kitchen and started picking up plates and glasses. Aunty didn't say anything as she heated up the food while mumbling to herself. I felt bad for her. She was really worried for Nikhil, I could tell.

In five minutes, we got all the food set on the table. I sat beside grandma, who patted my head lovingly. I served her the food and she fed me the first morsel. No matter how old I got, she would always feed me the first bite. I glanced at Jahnvi and gave her a teasing look. She fake glared at me and everyone laughed at our childish behaviour.

"Dadi loves me the most. Right, dadi?" I said and she nodded.

"Dadi! How could you discriminate? I am here too," my cousin whined and I did a small dance, provoking her more. Dadi hit me on the head lightly and mom shook her head. Like that, I kept troubling my cousin while elders discussed about, being adults.

Throughout the dinner, I felt Nikhil's mom observing us with a sad smile. Something big was really troubling her. And I could put a name to that problem too. Just what the heck was Nikhil up to these days? He wasn't home most of the time worrying his parents so much.

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