Chapter 53. Afraid of losing

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"Sahil, this is awesome!"

"You like it?"

"Of course, I do."

This place was so surreal. I admired the beautiful two-storey building from outside. It was painted in blue sky and yellow colour. There was a huge garden decorated with exotic plants in front of it and it also had a huge waterprool, surrounded by deck chairs.

Sahil chuckled when I ran around the place and expressed my surprise. He took my hand and pulled me to follow him inside the hotel.

The moment the doors opened up, I let out a huge gasp. The interior was so nice. The lobby was surrounded by glass walls on either side while the floor was a sight to see on its own. It had checkered design and LED lights were running in fluid motion along the circumference of each tiles; alternating in colour pattern.

We walked forward and reached the main floor. A huge chandelier-cum-disco ball hung from the ceiling and a small fountain was placed directly underneath it. There was a resto-bar on the right corner and stairs on the left side.

Few pieces of table and chairs balanced the spacing and everything was illuminated in a soft blue tint, giving off a cool vibe.

"Let's go upstairs." Sahil tugged on my hand and I followed him.

We took the stairs and reached the first floor. It had an open-terrace restaurant setting and also had a barbecue spot on the left side. I observed everything around me with saucer shaped eyes and complimented Sahil for his achievement.

"This is so beautiful," I commented and he gave me a toothy grin.

"Hungry?" he asked.

I nodded enthusiastically and he told me to sit wherever I wanted. He went downstairs to take care of our order as I sat at a table in the corner. The view was so amazing from here.


I checked my phone for the message and sighed in relief. Mahek had agreed to meet me today and I thought about whether I should ask her about her personal life or not. What if she brought someone along with her? I had told her specifically to come alone.

"Why so serious?" Sahil asked as he came upstairs and I shook my head.

He sat in front of me and told me to tell him what was bothering me.

"It will take some time for the food to get ready. Wanna tell me what's on your mind?" he enquired.

"How do you decide whether something is right or wrong?" I asked as I scratched the table cloth.

"Well.... If your heart feels it is right, then it is right. And if it feels it is wrong, then it is wrong," he replied as a matter of fact.

"What? So, you are saying that I should follow my heart?"


"I don't know what's troubling you but whenever you are stuck in a dilemma, always listen to your heart. Unlike the diplomatic brain, it never lies to you."

"Hmm... Thanks."

"I am humbled."

"Can I ask one more thing?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"What will you do if it suddenly rains? Everyone will get wet and I think, the main attraction of your hotel is this open terrace." I waved my hands around.

Sahil smirked and motioned towards the safety railing. He tapped a pole and I followed his gaze. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he ran his hand along the steel surface.

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