Chapter 73. With You

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I had so much fun in the last four days that I didn't want to leave this amazing place. I sulked as I packed my bags at a snail's pace. Surbhi scolded me to work faster, but I acted like someone had died; we were leaving today.

Yesterday was our last day of the trip, and in the evening, we had a bonfire. Mayank made sure everyone had the best experience, and for that, he had asked our school's band to prepare a small performance.

Apart from the musical surprise, we had an appreciation ceremony where Mayank called each student one by one to stand in front of others and appreciated them for their hard work; he even gifted us goodies as a memoir.

To wrap up the night, we had a story telling session and just like always, it ended with a lot of ghost stories and few students fainting due to the terror. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them though I got scared of the smallest things if it was nighttime.

I tried to sit beside Priyaank around the bonfire, but I remembered the earlier incident from the morning and sat at a distance from him. I wasn't sure about my doubt of him having a girlfriend since Shona meant a lot of things.

The word could mean love, sweetheart, an endearment used for toddlers or babies, and younger siblings, etc. So, I knew I shouldn't overreact without knowing the full story and acted normal without arousing any suspicions.

Moreover, I didn't want to disturb him with my stupid acts as he seemed pretty down. I had a very good personal experience that when I wanted to help someone, I always ended up making things worse.

Thus, I decided to let him be and wait for the right time to ask him myself. It would be better to get to know the real deal before I got myself more in trouble. One step at a time; that was my new motto.

"Are you done?" Surbhi asked as she stood in front of me with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Almost," I replied.

She let out a huge sigh and started packing my bags herself. She complained about why I didn't ask her to play with me yesterday as she arranged all the games properly and stuffed more toys in one of the bags.

"You were busy, I didn't want to be a nuisance," I said.

"You could have messaged me," she retorted and zipped up the luggage bags.

"Sorry, I didn't think of that."

"You are acting really weird for the last two days. You are talking to me, but your eyes are somewhere else. You don't even pay attention to what I am saying," she complained. "Are you hiding something from me, Sandhya?"

"Absolutely not! Why would you doubt me?" I defended and picked up my bags.

"If you ever lie to me, Ms. Sandhya Rai, you can start preparing for your funeral," she threatened.

I rolled my eyes and exited the room. She followed behind me and kept pestering me to tell her if I was hiding a secret. To put a full stop to the whole matter, I confessed to her that I had a little crush on Priyaank.

I thought that she would be happy to know that my body was functioning normally, but I got a complete opposite of what I was expecting. She narrowed her eyes at me and mumbled something under her breath.

"Why are you making such a weird face? Aren't you glad that finally I have someone I like?" I asked in concern as we reached the ground floor.

"Why are you so dumb?" She shook her head. "And here I thought there would be some progress."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, you idiot. Even if I tell you, I am sure nothing will pass through your thick skull," she teased as she pushed my head with her index finger.

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