Chapter 29. Don't jump the gun

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( 🚨 Long chapter ahead 🚨)


The sun was shining bright in the sky getting covered by clouds sometimes. I enjoyed the small relief they provided from the scorching heat. It was time for monsoon but we haven't received even the pre-monsoon rains yet. Global warming was getting worse by each passing year.

But that didn't stop us from going to watch the newly released movie on its first day. Afterall, it was of my favourite actor. I quickly got in the long queue to take movie tickets at the theatre. I took out my water bottle and took a long sip. I had been walking for twenty minutes because the auto driver didn't know the address.

The theatre was in a mall which had recently opened up. So it was given, most of the people didn't know the exact directions. I had been here before with mom. She had to buy a dress for our neighbours' daughter for her birthday. And also because they were giving discounts on groceries and other items. The mall was so huge that even if you roamed around for two hours, you would not be able to complete the tour.

It was a four-storey building hosting all types of shops and stores. All the things in one place. I would have preferred if they had accomodation facilities too. I would have asked mom and dad to buy a house here. We wouldn't have to worry about going long distances to get the basic necessities.

It had three theatre complexes and I wondered just how much wealth one needed to build such a huge building with all the amenities. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced they had an amusement park too. I would love it.

The auto driver who was supposed to drop me off here kept apologizing for his inefficiency since he was new in the area. Not his mistake. To avoid more delay, I decided to cover rest of the distance by foot and made it on time. And guess what? Rest of my gang hadn't arrived yet. I called them up to ask about their whereabouts. Everyone was stuck in traffic. Really? They wanted me to believe that excuse?

I threatened them that I won't buy their tickets if they didn't come within half an hour. Now, you must be thinking why we didn't book those online. Let me explain. I got a friend whose name starts with 'S'. She volunteered herself that she would do the aforementioned task and rest of us could relax.

I kept reminding her till last night and she waved me off saying she would do it. The first thing I received after waking up is that my mobile was filled with missed calls and messages from my girl gang. I knew it. My best friend had forgotten to book our tickets and I had to complete the task. Otherwise, our today's whole plan would go down the drain.

We had planned to watch a movie to take off the exam stress and spend some girl time together. Thanks to Surbhi, I had to get ready at a lightening speed and get out of my house without having breakfast. The first show was at 10 am. We wouldn't settle for the second screening. It has to be the first day first show or there won't be that much fun.

I quickly hailed an autorickshaw after dashing out of the house and as I mentioned before, the driver didn't know where to drop me. He didn't refuse my fare since I was his first passenger. That guy was so nervous when he was navigating through the traffic. At one point, I felt like I should take the driver seat while he could calm down his nerves in the back.

He dropped me off at a place from where I knew I could go to my destination by myself. I assured him to not feel guilty and told him to relax. Everyone gets nervous on their first day of work. No big deal.

"Please, move forward," the person behind me said bringing me back from my rambling to myself.

I nodded my head and noticed the queue was getting shorter. Finally, after more ten minutes of waiting, I reached the ticket counter. I was going to stick to what I said. I bought only one ticket. I moved out of the queue and narrowed my eyes at the four girls who had just entered through the theatre gates.

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